The success of a project can be measured on two things, namely the benefits and timelines of the projectcompletion (Soeharto,1997). Both depend on careful planning of the implementation method of use andscheduling tool. The implementation of construction is working using heavy equipment required accurateplanning in order to achieve a project with costs and optimal execution time. Therefore, an analysis of theusage of heavy equipment used is needed, so it can produce proper alternative heavy equipment for theconstruction project. On the development project district 8 Senopati apartments and office tower, SouthJakarta found a problem on one of the tower crane static productivity because it is considered to have a smalland minimal availability...
During infrastructure construction, various equipments are required to ensure increase in productivi...
In the construction of the college building (GKB) 4 of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, there ...
Mengikuti berkembangnya jaman, pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional bergerak naik tiap tahun. Hingga saat in...
The success of a project can be measured on two things, namely the benefits and timelines of the pro...
ABSTRAKKegiatan konstruksi adalah suatu rangkaian kegiatan yang saling berkaitan dan mempunyai tujua...
The construction of multi-storey building requires a proper heavy machinery to move and lift the mat...
The function of Tower Crane is as a transfer material from one place to other places, both verticall...
Keberhasilan suatu proyek dapat diukur dari dua hal, yaitu keuntungan yang didapat serta ketepatan w...
Analysis of Tower Crane productivity is very important to determine the ability of Tower Crane to pr...
Dalam proyek konstruksi, produktivitas tower crane adalah salah satu penentu untuk memenuhi ta...
Tower Crane merupakan jenis excavator yang diberi suatu attachment yang berupa boom, dengan bantuan ...
The building project that use wall precast usually needs heavy equipment like mobile crane and tower...
Tower Crane adalah alat penting karena dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat proses pembangunan bangunan...
Design of tower crane with 10 tons of lifting capacity used for lifting and moving large-scale and l...
Tower crane adalah alat untuk memindah material dari satu tempat ke tempat lain baik dengan cara ver...
During infrastructure construction, various equipments are required to ensure increase in productivi...
In the construction of the college building (GKB) 4 of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, there ...
Mengikuti berkembangnya jaman, pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional bergerak naik tiap tahun. Hingga saat in...
The success of a project can be measured on two things, namely the benefits and timelines of the pro...
ABSTRAKKegiatan konstruksi adalah suatu rangkaian kegiatan yang saling berkaitan dan mempunyai tujua...
The construction of multi-storey building requires a proper heavy machinery to move and lift the mat...
The function of Tower Crane is as a transfer material from one place to other places, both verticall...
Keberhasilan suatu proyek dapat diukur dari dua hal, yaitu keuntungan yang didapat serta ketepatan w...
Analysis of Tower Crane productivity is very important to determine the ability of Tower Crane to pr...
Dalam proyek konstruksi, produktivitas tower crane adalah salah satu penentu untuk memenuhi ta...
Tower Crane merupakan jenis excavator yang diberi suatu attachment yang berupa boom, dengan bantuan ...
The building project that use wall precast usually needs heavy equipment like mobile crane and tower...
Tower Crane adalah alat penting karena dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat proses pembangunan bangunan...
Design of tower crane with 10 tons of lifting capacity used for lifting and moving large-scale and l...
Tower crane adalah alat untuk memindah material dari satu tempat ke tempat lain baik dengan cara ver...
During infrastructure construction, various equipments are required to ensure increase in productivi...
In the construction of the college building (GKB) 4 of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, there ...
Mengikuti berkembangnya jaman, pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional bergerak naik tiap tahun. Hingga saat in...