У статті здійснено аналіз навчальних планів і програм з географії і природознавства для початкових шкіл 1900-1917 рр. Описано стан шкільної початкової освіти у цей період.The article analyzes the curricula and programs in geography and science for primary schools in 1900-1917. The status of school primary education in this period is described
Geography faces several challenges in a changing South Africa. These include the challenge to initia...
Nous abordons l’ « activité didactique » des enseignants comme le processus, individuel et collectif...
In order to meet the needs of modern society, schools should be continually reviewed its role. In...
В статті розкривається зміст поняття "наукова спадщина". Пояснюється місце і роль наукової спадщини ...
Školski kurikulum određuje plan i program škole s izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima, izbor...
Geography became established in the school curriculum in Finland at the turn of the 19th century. It...
In the field of curriculum research, there have been many theoretical perspectives on what should co...
İlköğretimde, öğrenilen bilgiler okul yaşamı için gerekli köşetaşı bilgileri içerir. İlköğretimde öğ...
Geography is one of the school subjects in which children and young people’s own experiences and v...
У тезах йдеться про кліматичну освіту учнів початкової школи. Описано відповідні форми і методи навч...
The status of geography in school curricula varies across the globe. Geography, as a discrete subjec...
Mācot ģeogrāfiju skolā, skolēniem ir svarīgi apgūt arī savas tuvākās apkārtnes ģeogrāfiju. Skolotāja...
Téma této bakalářské práce je Srovnání kurikula geografie pro druhý stupeň ZŠ v České republice a ve...
The central purpose of this investigation was to determine the amount and nature and geography cours...
V primerjalni analizi so razčlenjene nekatere značilnosti razvoja geografskih kurikulov izbranih drž...
Geography faces several challenges in a changing South Africa. These include the challenge to initia...
Nous abordons l’ « activité didactique » des enseignants comme le processus, individuel et collectif...
In order to meet the needs of modern society, schools should be continually reviewed its role. In...
В статті розкривається зміст поняття "наукова спадщина". Пояснюється місце і роль наукової спадщини ...
Školski kurikulum određuje plan i program škole s izvannastavnim i izvanškolskim aktivnostima, izbor...
Geography became established in the school curriculum in Finland at the turn of the 19th century. It...
In the field of curriculum research, there have been many theoretical perspectives on what should co...
İlköğretimde, öğrenilen bilgiler okul yaşamı için gerekli köşetaşı bilgileri içerir. İlköğretimde öğ...
Geography is one of the school subjects in which children and young people’s own experiences and v...
У тезах йдеться про кліматичну освіту учнів початкової школи. Описано відповідні форми і методи навч...
The status of geography in school curricula varies across the globe. Geography, as a discrete subjec...
Mācot ģeogrāfiju skolā, skolēniem ir svarīgi apgūt arī savas tuvākās apkārtnes ģeogrāfiju. Skolotāja...
Téma této bakalářské práce je Srovnání kurikula geografie pro druhý stupeň ZŠ v České republice a ve...
The central purpose of this investigation was to determine the amount and nature and geography cours...
V primerjalni analizi so razčlenjene nekatere značilnosti razvoja geografskih kurikulov izbranih drž...
Geography faces several challenges in a changing South Africa. These include the challenge to initia...
Nous abordons l’ « activité didactique » des enseignants comme le processus, individuel et collectif...
In order to meet the needs of modern society, schools should be continually reviewed its role. In...