Low-voltage, organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) have a high potential to be key components of low-cost, flexible, and large-area electronics. However, to be able to employ OFETs in the next generation of the electronic devices, the reduction of their operational voltage is urgently needed. Ideally, to be power efficient, OFETs are operated with gate voltages as low as possible. To fulfill this requirement, low values of transistor threshold voltage (Vt) and subthreshold swing (SS) are essential. Ideally, Vt should be around 0 V and SS close to 60 mV/dec, which is the theoretical limit of subthreshold swing at 300 K. This is a very challenging task as it requires the gate dielectric thickness to be reduced below 10 nm. Here, the most p...
The quest for high-performance organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) gate dielectrics is of intense cu...
The negative-capacitance field-effect transistor(NC-FET) has attracted tremendous research efforts. ...
This thesis discusses the study of high permittivity dielectrics and their implementation in the org...
Low-voltage, organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) have a high potential to be key components of ...
Organic field-effect transistors suffer from ultra-high operating voltages in addition to their rela...
Reduction in the operating voltage of organic transistors is of high importance for successful imple...
Non-ionic gel dielectrics (NIGDs) have high effective capacitances (CEFF) which can be used to reduc...
In this review, advances in nanoscale dielectric materials for organic field-effect transistors (OFE...
In the last couple decades, the phenomenal growth of mobile electronics is fueling thedemand for mul...
Organic field effect transistors (OFETs) are key for flexible, lightweight, and inexpensive electron...
Organic electronics offers the possibility of producing ultra-low-cost and large-area electronics us...
With voltage scaling to reduce power consumption in scaled transistors the subthreshold swing is bec...
This work experimentally demonstrates, for the first time, that by integrating a thin ferroelectric ...
The authors demonstrate organic field effect transistors (OFETs) with a dipole-polarized polyurea fo...
The quest for high-performance organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) gate dielectrics is of intense cu...
The negative-capacitance field-effect transistor(NC-FET) has attracted tremendous research efforts. ...
This thesis discusses the study of high permittivity dielectrics and their implementation in the org...
Low-voltage, organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) have a high potential to be key components of ...
Organic field-effect transistors suffer from ultra-high operating voltages in addition to their rela...
Reduction in the operating voltage of organic transistors is of high importance for successful imple...
Non-ionic gel dielectrics (NIGDs) have high effective capacitances (CEFF) which can be used to reduc...
In this review, advances in nanoscale dielectric materials for organic field-effect transistors (OFE...
In the last couple decades, the phenomenal growth of mobile electronics is fueling thedemand for mul...
Organic field effect transistors (OFETs) are key for flexible, lightweight, and inexpensive electron...
Organic electronics offers the possibility of producing ultra-low-cost and large-area electronics us...
With voltage scaling to reduce power consumption in scaled transistors the subthreshold swing is bec...
This work experimentally demonstrates, for the first time, that by integrating a thin ferroelectric ...
The authors demonstrate organic field effect transistors (OFETs) with a dipole-polarized polyurea fo...
The quest for high-performance organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) gate dielectrics is of intense cu...
The negative-capacitance field-effect transistor(NC-FET) has attracted tremendous research efforts. ...
This thesis discusses the study of high permittivity dielectrics and their implementation in the org...