Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan adaptabilitas karir ditinjau dari personal growth initiative dan jenis kelamin pada pekerja fresh graduate. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pekerja fresh graduate yang bekerja paling lama 2 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian komparatif. Alat ukur pada penelitian ini adalah adaptasi skala Career Adaptability yang telah diadaptasi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh peneliti sebelumnya yaitu Career Adapt-Ability Scale, dan modifikasi skala Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II (PGIS-II). Analisis dalam penelitian menggunakan uji anava dua arah (2-Way Anova) dengan bantuan SPSS 20.0 ver. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan nilai Sig. 0,154 (>...
Background: In Indonesia, dengue virus infection increases from year to year. The number of dengue s...
Most of the students of grade 3 SDN 1 Slamparejo still do not understand the multiplication material...
Hands are the agents that carrier pathogen and non-pathogen bacteria which are able to move either d...
Many factors can affect investors when makin an investment decision, there are demographic factors ...
This study aims to analyze the effect of gross domestic product (PDRB), Inflation, Population, local...
This research objective was to determine and analyze affect of quality of services to customer’s sa...
This research aims to clarify the company's internal control systems and procedures procedures relat...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an influence of service quality, facil...
Fenomena ghosting secara luas diartikan sebagai cara menghindari dan melepaskan diri dari hubungan t...
Flourishing is a high level of mental well-being and the growth of an individual physical and psycho...
This research aims to examine the direct and indirect effects of variables, brand image, service qu...
Instagram is one of the most favorite social media among society. To date, Instagram is a place to p...
ABSTRACT Celly Devita Febrianti Description of Nursing Satisfaction Level in the Implementation ...
Ketika seseorang menjadi mahasiswa tentunya akan dituntut untuk menyesuaikan diri di lingkungan yang...
Cancer is a dangerous disease caused by damage to cells or tissues in the human body. Although the d...
Background: In Indonesia, dengue virus infection increases from year to year. The number of dengue s...
Most of the students of grade 3 SDN 1 Slamparejo still do not understand the multiplication material...
Hands are the agents that carrier pathogen and non-pathogen bacteria which are able to move either d...
Many factors can affect investors when makin an investment decision, there are demographic factors ...
This study aims to analyze the effect of gross domestic product (PDRB), Inflation, Population, local...
This research objective was to determine and analyze affect of quality of services to customer’s sa...
This research aims to clarify the company's internal control systems and procedures procedures relat...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an influence of service quality, facil...
Fenomena ghosting secara luas diartikan sebagai cara menghindari dan melepaskan diri dari hubungan t...
Flourishing is a high level of mental well-being and the growth of an individual physical and psycho...
This research aims to examine the direct and indirect effects of variables, brand image, service qu...
Instagram is one of the most favorite social media among society. To date, Instagram is a place to p...
ABSTRACT Celly Devita Febrianti Description of Nursing Satisfaction Level in the Implementation ...
Ketika seseorang menjadi mahasiswa tentunya akan dituntut untuk menyesuaikan diri di lingkungan yang...
Cancer is a dangerous disease caused by damage to cells or tissues in the human body. Although the d...
Background: In Indonesia, dengue virus infection increases from year to year. The number of dengue s...
Most of the students of grade 3 SDN 1 Slamparejo still do not understand the multiplication material...
Hands are the agents that carrier pathogen and non-pathogen bacteria which are able to move either d...