Ortozēšana - protezēšanaVeselības aprūpeOrthotics and ProstheticsHealth CareBakalaura darba tēma: Cukura diabēta pacientu, apakšējo ekstremitāšu protēžu lietotāju mobilitātes izmaiņas: Sistemātisks literatūras pārskats. Darba autore: Marta Luīze Katinska Darba vadītājs: Guntis Raipalis Darba mērķis: atlasīt, apkopot un analizēt pieejamo zinātnisko literatūru un pētījumus par AMPPRO (Amputee Mobility Predictor with Prosthesis) testa rezultātiem pacientiem ar cukura diabētu, kuri lieto apakšējās ekstremitātes protēzes, laika posmā no 2010. līdz 2021.gadam Pētnieciskais jautājums: Vai funkcionālie treniņi uzlabo mobilitāti cukura diabēta pacientiem, kuri lieto apakšējo ekstremitāšu protēzes? Rezultāti: tika atlasīti un analizēti trīs pētījumi,...
In the world's developed countries, demographic changes, such as aging societies and increased numbe...
Author: Ludmila Humpálová Title: Orthotic and prosthetic equipment for patients with diabetes Object...
Karpińska Anna, Karpińska Ewa Małgorzata, Klich-Kufel Maria. Rehabilitation after amputation of the ...
Teoretická část práce se zaměřuje na teoretické poznatky z oblasti anatomie dolní končetiny, dále se...
Teoretická část práce se zaměřuje na teoretické poznatky z oblasti anatomie dolní končetiny, dále se...
Uvod: Za amputacije spodnjih udov obstaja več vzrokov, kot so periferne arterijske bolezni, sladkorn...
Uvod i cilj: Protetička rehabilitacija nakon amputacije donjeg uda uključuje sve kompleksne postupke...
Uvod i cilj: Protetička rehabilitacija nakon amputacije donjeg uda uključuje sve kompleksne postupke...
PURPOSE: Persons requiring a lower limb amputation often have cardiovascular diseases that reduce ca...
PURPOSE: Persons requiring a lower limb amputation often have cardiovascular diseases that reduce ca...
Ortozēšana - protezēšanaVeselības aprūpeOrthotics and ProstheticsHealth CareBakalaura darba tēma: Mu...
Diabetes is high in the agenda of public health issues with significant prevalence of diabetic-relat...
Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a leading cause of major lower extremity amputation (LEA). ...
The current prevalence of persons amputated at transmetatarsal level or higher in Sweden can be esti...
INTRODUCTION: Diabetes has been described as an epidemic by the World Health Organization with lowe...
In the world's developed countries, demographic changes, such as aging societies and increased numbe...
Author: Ludmila Humpálová Title: Orthotic and prosthetic equipment for patients with diabetes Object...
Karpińska Anna, Karpińska Ewa Małgorzata, Klich-Kufel Maria. Rehabilitation after amputation of the ...
Teoretická část práce se zaměřuje na teoretické poznatky z oblasti anatomie dolní končetiny, dále se...
Teoretická část práce se zaměřuje na teoretické poznatky z oblasti anatomie dolní končetiny, dále se...
Uvod: Za amputacije spodnjih udov obstaja več vzrokov, kot so periferne arterijske bolezni, sladkorn...
Uvod i cilj: Protetička rehabilitacija nakon amputacije donjeg uda uključuje sve kompleksne postupke...
Uvod i cilj: Protetička rehabilitacija nakon amputacije donjeg uda uključuje sve kompleksne postupke...
PURPOSE: Persons requiring a lower limb amputation often have cardiovascular diseases that reduce ca...
PURPOSE: Persons requiring a lower limb amputation often have cardiovascular diseases that reduce ca...
Ortozēšana - protezēšanaVeselības aprūpeOrthotics and ProstheticsHealth CareBakalaura darba tēma: Mu...
Diabetes is high in the agenda of public health issues with significant prevalence of diabetic-relat...
Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a leading cause of major lower extremity amputation (LEA). ...
The current prevalence of persons amputated at transmetatarsal level or higher in Sweden can be esti...
INTRODUCTION: Diabetes has been described as an epidemic by the World Health Organization with lowe...
In the world's developed countries, demographic changes, such as aging societies and increased numbe...
Author: Ludmila Humpálová Title: Orthotic and prosthetic equipment for patients with diabetes Object...
Karpińska Anna, Karpińska Ewa Małgorzata, Klich-Kufel Maria. Rehabilitation after amputation of the ...