MedicīnaVeselības aprūpeMedicineHealth CareIevads. Lokāli prostaglandīnu analogi (PGA) bieži vien ir pirmās izvēles medikamenti, kurus izmanto glaukomas ārstēšanā, tomēr tie ir saistīti ar vairākām acu blakusparādībām, piemēram, skropstu pagarinājumu. Pētnieciskā darba mērķis bija izmērīt skropstu garumus un salīdzināt tos starp abām acīm glaukomas pacientiem, kuri lieto PGA tikai vienā no acīm. Metodoloģija. Pētījumā tika iekļauti pacienti, kuri ieradās uz ikgadējo kontroles vizīti pie oftalmologa, un tās laikā tika izrautas 3 skropstas no katras acs augšējā plakstiņa un izmērīti to garumi ar lineālu. Viena daļa pacientu pilināja bimatoprosta (PGA) un beta adrenoblokatora timolola kombinētos acu pilienus, savukārt otra - latanoprostu (PG...
AIM: To investigate the effect of long-term application of prostaglandin analogue eye drops on conju...
Aim: To investigate and compare the effects of topical benzalkonium chloride-preserved prostaglandin...
Shunsuke Nakakura,1 Minamai Yamamoto,1 Etsuko Terao,1 Nozomi Nagatomi,1 Naoko Matsuo,1 Yausko Fujisa...
Maģistra darbs ir uzrakstīts 60 lappusēs angļu valodā. Tas satur 23 attēlus, 45 informācijas avotus ...
Abstract Background Prostaglandin analogs (PGAs) are commonly used to treat glaucoma because of thei...
CILJEVI ISTRAŽIVANJA: Ciljevi istraživanja bili su ispitati postoji li razlika u centralnoj debljini...
Background:The study aimed to evaluate iris thickness changes in patients with Primary Open Angle Gl...
Steven FagienAesthetic Eyelid Plastic Surgery, Boca Raton, FL, USAAbstract: Prominent eyelashes are ...
none4noThe phenyl-substituted analog of prostaglandin F 2alpha , latanoprost (Xalatan; Pfizer, Inc, ...
PURPOSE:Prostaglandin analogues (PG) reduce intra-ocular pressure by enhancing uveoscleral flow at t...
Objectives:To report that the periorbital changes induced by prostaglandin analogue (PGA) eye drops ...
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of prostaglandin analogues on the central corneal thickness (CCT) of...
We studied the relation between prostaglandin analogue use and ocular adnexal features. We used a pr...
To compare corneal biomechanical properties, measured by a newly developed tonometer (Corneal Visual...
Purpose: To study ocular surface changes induced by topical treatment with prostaglandin analogs c...
AIM: To investigate the effect of long-term application of prostaglandin analogue eye drops on conju...
Aim: To investigate and compare the effects of topical benzalkonium chloride-preserved prostaglandin...
Shunsuke Nakakura,1 Minamai Yamamoto,1 Etsuko Terao,1 Nozomi Nagatomi,1 Naoko Matsuo,1 Yausko Fujisa...
Maģistra darbs ir uzrakstīts 60 lappusēs angļu valodā. Tas satur 23 attēlus, 45 informācijas avotus ...
Abstract Background Prostaglandin analogs (PGAs) are commonly used to treat glaucoma because of thei...
CILJEVI ISTRAŽIVANJA: Ciljevi istraživanja bili su ispitati postoji li razlika u centralnoj debljini...
Background:The study aimed to evaluate iris thickness changes in patients with Primary Open Angle Gl...
Steven FagienAesthetic Eyelid Plastic Surgery, Boca Raton, FL, USAAbstract: Prominent eyelashes are ...
none4noThe phenyl-substituted analog of prostaglandin F 2alpha , latanoprost (Xalatan; Pfizer, Inc, ...
PURPOSE:Prostaglandin analogues (PG) reduce intra-ocular pressure by enhancing uveoscleral flow at t...
Objectives:To report that the periorbital changes induced by prostaglandin analogue (PGA) eye drops ...
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of prostaglandin analogues on the central corneal thickness (CCT) of...
We studied the relation between prostaglandin analogue use and ocular adnexal features. We used a pr...
To compare corneal biomechanical properties, measured by a newly developed tonometer (Corneal Visual...
Purpose: To study ocular surface changes induced by topical treatment with prostaglandin analogs c...
AIM: To investigate the effect of long-term application of prostaglandin analogue eye drops on conju...
Aim: To investigate and compare the effects of topical benzalkonium chloride-preserved prostaglandin...
Shunsuke Nakakura,1 Minamai Yamamoto,1 Etsuko Terao,1 Nozomi Nagatomi,1 Naoko Matsuo,1 Yausko Fujisa...