In experimentellen Studien werden Preis- und Kaufabfragen eines monadisch (isoliert) prä-sentierten Verbrauchsgutes in einem 2x2 faktoriellen Design auf hypothetischer Ebene reali-siert oder mit einer anreizkompatiblen Lotterie verknüpft. Zwecks Validierung erfolgte außer-dem ein reales Kaufangebot. Die Ergebnisse weisen die Existenz eines Bias der hypotheti-schen Abfrage nach. Ferner bestätigt sich, dass Kaufabfragen höhere Kaufanteile und Zah-lungsbereitschaften als Preisabfragen induzieren. Im Rahmen der Abschätzung valider Zah-lungsbereitschaften erweist sich die lotteriegekoppelte Kaufabfrage als leistungsfähige Alter-native zu den in der Literatur weitläufig empfohlenen preisabfragebasierten Designs (BDM-Lotterie, Vickrey-Auktion). Hi...
We compare the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) mechanism to a discrete choice mechanism for revealing ...
There is abundant literature in experimental research on decision making under risk, which compares,...
The concept of willingness-to-pay (WTP) has attracted the attention of marketeers because of its use...
In experimentellen Studien werden Preis- und Kaufabfragen eines monadisch (isoliert) prä-sentierten ...
Pricing research suggests incentive compatible evaluations of separate products in so-called monadic...
In this paper, the preference reversal phenomenon known from risk research is investigated according...
Experimentel investigation of individual influencing factors on decisions in price negotiations is t...
Pricing research suggests incentive-compatible evaluations when consumers’ situation-specific WTP is...
Accurately estimating consumer demand for new products is an arduous task made even more difficult b...
Diese Masterarbeit untersucht das Verhalten von Subjekten in einer Auktion und versucht damit einen ...
Accurately estimating consumer demand for new products is an arduous task made even more difficult b...
This paper is part of the project ACCEPT, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Educati...
Accurately estimating consumer preferences for new products is an arduous task made difficult by the...
Economists, psychologists, and marketing researchers rely on meas-ures of consumers ’ willingness to...
Knowledge of consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) is a prerequisite to profitable price-setting. To g...
We compare the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) mechanism to a discrete choice mechanism for revealing ...
There is abundant literature in experimental research on decision making under risk, which compares,...
The concept of willingness-to-pay (WTP) has attracted the attention of marketeers because of its use...
In experimentellen Studien werden Preis- und Kaufabfragen eines monadisch (isoliert) prä-sentierten ...
Pricing research suggests incentive compatible evaluations of separate products in so-called monadic...
In this paper, the preference reversal phenomenon known from risk research is investigated according...
Experimentel investigation of individual influencing factors on decisions in price negotiations is t...
Pricing research suggests incentive-compatible evaluations when consumers’ situation-specific WTP is...
Accurately estimating consumer demand for new products is an arduous task made even more difficult b...
Diese Masterarbeit untersucht das Verhalten von Subjekten in einer Auktion und versucht damit einen ...
Accurately estimating consumer demand for new products is an arduous task made even more difficult b...
This paper is part of the project ACCEPT, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Educati...
Accurately estimating consumer preferences for new products is an arduous task made difficult by the...
Economists, psychologists, and marketing researchers rely on meas-ures of consumers ’ willingness to...
Knowledge of consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) is a prerequisite to profitable price-setting. To g...
We compare the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) mechanism to a discrete choice mechanism for revealing ...
There is abundant literature in experimental research on decision making under risk, which compares,...
The concept of willingness-to-pay (WTP) has attracted the attention of marketeers because of its use...