The affairs of public government have an important urgency amid diversity, the threat of intolerance, radicalism, the disintegration of the nation today. The central institutional role in the region is both security and order-based, defense will be difficult to run optimally without the support of the organizational structure of regional devices with its work program. Regulatory, technical and political constraints will be officials in the allocation of work programs and regional budgets to leading organizational units such as the sub-district government being the cause of the lack of public government affairs properly maintained by the District Court in the sub-district. This research seeks to examine the dilemma of conducting ...
Penelitian pendampingan ini menggambarkan realitas kehidupan masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di te...
The sub-district is a regional apparatus that regulates the area itself, but now the sub-district a...
Pemerintah Desa adalah penyelenggara urusan pemerintah oleh pemerintahan Desa dan Badan Permusyawara...
The sub-district government is a level of government that has an important role in the implement...
The Birth of Law No. 22 of 1999 concerning about Regional Government - who later revised by Law No....
Society certainly crave a more prosperous life, safe, peaceful, able to feed their family properly a...
Agus Iswahyudi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mem...
The implementation of regional autonomy as mandated by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indo...
<p><em>Position and authority of the sub-district (head-sub district) underwent a fundamental change...
Sub-district government is the level of government that has an important role in the implementation ...
In Government Regulation Number 17 of 2018 concerning Sub-Districts, one of the tasks of the camat i...
Government Regulation Number 17 Year 2018 Concerning Subdistricts in carrying out the duties of the ...
Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government mandates the District Government to provide gui...
The main problem of this research is the Role and Position of sub-district heads in the administrati...
The role of the Village Consultative Board Overseeing the Implementation of the Government in the Vi...
Penelitian pendampingan ini menggambarkan realitas kehidupan masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di te...
The sub-district is a regional apparatus that regulates the area itself, but now the sub-district a...
Pemerintah Desa adalah penyelenggara urusan pemerintah oleh pemerintahan Desa dan Badan Permusyawara...
The sub-district government is a level of government that has an important role in the implement...
The Birth of Law No. 22 of 1999 concerning about Regional Government - who later revised by Law No....
Society certainly crave a more prosperous life, safe, peaceful, able to feed their family properly a...
Agus Iswahyudi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mem...
The implementation of regional autonomy as mandated by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indo...
<p><em>Position and authority of the sub-district (head-sub district) underwent a fundamental change...
Sub-district government is the level of government that has an important role in the implementation ...
In Government Regulation Number 17 of 2018 concerning Sub-Districts, one of the tasks of the camat i...
Government Regulation Number 17 Year 2018 Concerning Subdistricts in carrying out the duties of the ...
Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government mandates the District Government to provide gui...
The main problem of this research is the Role and Position of sub-district heads in the administrati...
The role of the Village Consultative Board Overseeing the Implementation of the Government in the Vi...
Penelitian pendampingan ini menggambarkan realitas kehidupan masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di te...
The sub-district is a regional apparatus that regulates the area itself, but now the sub-district a...
Pemerintah Desa adalah penyelenggara urusan pemerintah oleh pemerintahan Desa dan Badan Permusyawara...