There is increasing concern regarding the inequalities produced by digital platforms based on volunteered geographic information (VGI). Several forms of inequalities have been observed, namely the unequal spatial coverage and the uneven levels of usage even in territories with good coverage. However, VGI platforms under the logic of platform economy have generated other forms of spatial inequality that require more attention. The cyberspace within VGI platforms is producing different cyberspatialities, especially with the platformisation processes that have made this type of inequality more evident. With this in mind, this paper aims to explore the making of cyberdivisions under the platform economy. We argue that the design of VGI within d...
Europe increasingly operates online; a scattered geography creates a different reality in which poli...
The objective of great investments in telecommunication networks is to approach economies and put an...
Platforms are the avant-garde of digitized work. Based on digital techniques, they develop innovativ...
There is increasing concern regarding the inequalities produced by digital platforms based on volun...
This article aims to provide a more detailed conception of the production of urban digital divides b...
This article aims to provide a more detailed conception of the production of urban digital divides b...
A plethora of digital platforms is increasingly and ubiquitously mediating our relationship with spa...
This article shows that, while the pandemic lockdown decelerated everyday life, it has also potentia...
commodities and digital activity practices (Laguerre, 2005). Those practices engaged the individual ...
The digital economy covers ever larger dimensions of everyday life and sectors of the economy. In th...
Abstract - The present work aims to offer an empirically-situated study on the socio-spatial effects...
This article uses two cyberspatial technologies, namely, the Internet (the global network of connec...
This paper is a short reflection on the evolution of the meaning of the term cyberspace for geograp...
We sketch a brief history of the development of virtual geographic environments which build on onlin...
As digital platforms become increasingly ubiquitous, firms in a wide array of industries face the de...
Europe increasingly operates online; a scattered geography creates a different reality in which poli...
The objective of great investments in telecommunication networks is to approach economies and put an...
Platforms are the avant-garde of digitized work. Based on digital techniques, they develop innovativ...
There is increasing concern regarding the inequalities produced by digital platforms based on volun...
This article aims to provide a more detailed conception of the production of urban digital divides b...
This article aims to provide a more detailed conception of the production of urban digital divides b...
A plethora of digital platforms is increasingly and ubiquitously mediating our relationship with spa...
This article shows that, while the pandemic lockdown decelerated everyday life, it has also potentia...
commodities and digital activity practices (Laguerre, 2005). Those practices engaged the individual ...
The digital economy covers ever larger dimensions of everyday life and sectors of the economy. In th...
Abstract - The present work aims to offer an empirically-situated study on the socio-spatial effects...
This article uses two cyberspatial technologies, namely, the Internet (the global network of connec...
This paper is a short reflection on the evolution of the meaning of the term cyberspace for geograp...
We sketch a brief history of the development of virtual geographic environments which build on onlin...
As digital platforms become increasingly ubiquitous, firms in a wide array of industries face the de...
Europe increasingly operates online; a scattered geography creates a different reality in which poli...
The objective of great investments in telecommunication networks is to approach economies and put an...
Platforms are the avant-garde of digitized work. Based on digital techniques, they develop innovativ...