The animated children show Upin & Ipin is a popular show in Indonesia that contains many messages that can be a learned by Indonesian children. One of the issues most often carried in the Upin and Ipin show is religiosity, which is raised through worship activities, celebrations of religious holidays, and running daily life in accordance with the teachings of Islam. This study sees the concept of Glock and Stark's religious religion which is divided into five dimensions. The five dimensions are ritual dimension, intellectual dimension, ideology dimension, experimental dimension, and consequence dimension. The method used is quantitative content analysis. The results showed that the ritual dimensions that appeared were the biggest, then the ...
This article attempts to explore the internalization of religious moderation in early childhood thro...
Recientemente los niños en Malasia están siendo fuertemente expuestos cuando no influenciados por lo...
This study aims to determine the perception of elementary school-aged children, especially at the ag...
The animated children show Upin & Ipin is a popular show in Indonesia that contains many messages th...
ABSTRACT Upin and Upin animation is an animation aired by MNC TV station and produced by L...
Indonesian society is diverse culture and religion. It wants the next generation to have an attitude...
Currently, children are very interested in electronic media, one of which is mass media, which affec...
Early age is a unique age. Unique value because of how to get information and stimulation process th...
Religious life is being disturbed by terror issues in our country. The pros and cons of this problem...
This study aims to determine what Islamic educational values are contained in the Upin and Ipin cart...
AbstrakTulisan ini membahas mengenai serial kartun Upin-Ipin, sebuah film animasi berseri yang mengg...
Abstract Currently the film is much loved children one of whom is the animated film-Ipin Upin, the f...
Animation Film of Upin and Ipin is a LES COPAQOE production of Malaysian animation movie science and...
The Existence of harmony in human relationships depends on how the interaction occurs. Important asp...
Currently the film is much loved children one of whom is the animated film-Ipin Upin, the film is no...
This article attempts to explore the internalization of religious moderation in early childhood thro...
Recientemente los niños en Malasia están siendo fuertemente expuestos cuando no influenciados por lo...
This study aims to determine the perception of elementary school-aged children, especially at the ag...
The animated children show Upin & Ipin is a popular show in Indonesia that contains many messages th...
ABSTRACT Upin and Upin animation is an animation aired by MNC TV station and produced by L...
Indonesian society is diverse culture and religion. It wants the next generation to have an attitude...
Currently, children are very interested in electronic media, one of which is mass media, which affec...
Early age is a unique age. Unique value because of how to get information and stimulation process th...
Religious life is being disturbed by terror issues in our country. The pros and cons of this problem...
This study aims to determine what Islamic educational values are contained in the Upin and Ipin cart...
AbstrakTulisan ini membahas mengenai serial kartun Upin-Ipin, sebuah film animasi berseri yang mengg...
Abstract Currently the film is much loved children one of whom is the animated film-Ipin Upin, the f...
Animation Film of Upin and Ipin is a LES COPAQOE production of Malaysian animation movie science and...
The Existence of harmony in human relationships depends on how the interaction occurs. Important asp...
Currently the film is much loved children one of whom is the animated film-Ipin Upin, the film is no...
This article attempts to explore the internalization of religious moderation in early childhood thro...
Recientemente los niños en Malasia están siendo fuertemente expuestos cuando no influenciados por lo...
This study aims to determine the perception of elementary school-aged children, especially at the ag...