ABSTRACT Upin and Upin animation is an animation aired by MNC TV station and produced by Les't Copaque and began airing in 2007 aimed at welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, which airs at 5.00 pm. This animation carries a story to educate children about the meaning and importance of the holy month of Ramadan. Animation Upin and Ipin tell about the world of children full of fun and diversity, all the stories told in animation Upin and Ipin provide education to children about the life of society, togetherness and mutual respect between each other and against the elderly. This animation teaches children to be a better person and always thinking optimistic for the future. Animation Upin and Ipin have many educational aspects for child...
This study aims to describe the forms of illocutionary speech acts in the animated film Upin & Ipin ...
Early age is a unique age. Unique value because of how to get information and stimulation process th...
The Existence of harmony in human relationships depends on how the interaction occurs. Important asp...
The animated children show Upin & Ipin is a popular show in Indonesia that contains many messages th...
Currently, children are very interested in electronic media, one of which is mass media, which affec...
This study aims to determine whether or not exposure to television shows the animated film Upin and ...
Animation Film of Upin and Ipin is a LES COPAQOE production of Malaysian animation movie science and...
The study aimed to investigate the impact of the Upin Ipin animated film on the aggressive behavior ...
This study aims to determine what Islamic educational values are contained in the Upin and Ipin cart...
Abstract Currently the film is much loved children one of whom is the animated film-Ipin Upin, the f...
Indonesian society is diverse culture and religion. It wants the next generation to have an attitude...
Currently the film is much loved children one of whom is the animated film-Ipin Upin, the film is no...
This study aims to determine the perception of elementary school-aged children, especially at the ag...
The weakening of the character of social care is shown by the increasingly widespread individualism ...
This article attempts to explore the internalization of religious moderation in early childhood thro...
This study aims to describe the forms of illocutionary speech acts in the animated film Upin & Ipin ...
Early age is a unique age. Unique value because of how to get information and stimulation process th...
The Existence of harmony in human relationships depends on how the interaction occurs. Important asp...
The animated children show Upin & Ipin is a popular show in Indonesia that contains many messages th...
Currently, children are very interested in electronic media, one of which is mass media, which affec...
This study aims to determine whether or not exposure to television shows the animated film Upin and ...
Animation Film of Upin and Ipin is a LES COPAQOE production of Malaysian animation movie science and...
The study aimed to investigate the impact of the Upin Ipin animated film on the aggressive behavior ...
This study aims to determine what Islamic educational values are contained in the Upin and Ipin cart...
Abstract Currently the film is much loved children one of whom is the animated film-Ipin Upin, the f...
Indonesian society is diverse culture and religion. It wants the next generation to have an attitude...
Currently the film is much loved children one of whom is the animated film-Ipin Upin, the film is no...
This study aims to determine the perception of elementary school-aged children, especially at the ag...
The weakening of the character of social care is shown by the increasingly widespread individualism ...
This article attempts to explore the internalization of religious moderation in early childhood thro...
This study aims to describe the forms of illocutionary speech acts in the animated film Upin & Ipin ...
Early age is a unique age. Unique value because of how to get information and stimulation process th...
The Existence of harmony in human relationships depends on how the interaction occurs. Important asp...