If ψ: [0 , ℓ] → [0 , ∞[is absolutely continuous, nondecreasing, and such that ψ(ℓ) > ψ(0) , ψ(t) > 0 for t> 0 , then for f∈ L1(0 , ℓ) , we have ‖f‖1,ψ,(0,ℓ):=∫0ℓψ′(t)ψ(t)2∫0tf∗(s)ψ(s)dsdt≈∫0ℓ|f(x)|dx=:‖f‖L1(0,ℓ),(∗)where the constant in ≳ depends on ψ and ℓ. Here by f∗ we denote the decreasing rearrangement of f. When applied with f replaced by | f| p, 1 < p< ∞, there exist functions ψ so that the inequality ‖|f|p‖1,ψ,(0,ℓ)≤‖|f|p‖L1(0,ℓ) is not rougher than the classical one-dimensional integral Hardy inequality over bounded intervals (0 , ℓ). We make an analysis on the validity of (∗) under much weaker assumptions on the regularity of ψ, and we get a version of Hardy’s inequality which generalizes and/or improves existing results
AbstractA family of norms ∥g∥(α), 0 < α < 1, which combine features of both the uniform and the L1 n...
We build a new class of Banach function spaces, whose function norm isρ(p[⋅],δ[⋅](f)=inff=∑k=1∞fk∑k...
Here we collect some notation and basic lemmas used throughout this note. Throughout, for a random v...
If ψ: [0 , ℓ] → [0 , ∞[is absolutely continuous, nondecreasing, and such that ψ(ℓ) > ψ(0) , ψ(t) > 0...
We prove that if p>1 and ψ:]0,p−1]→]0,∞[ is just nondecreasing and differentiable (hence not necessa...
We prove that if p> 1 and ψ:] 0 , p- 1 [→] 0 , ∞[is nondecreasing, then sup0<1ψ(p-11-logt)‖f∗‖...
A version of the Lebesgue differentiation theorem is offered, where the $L^p$ norm is replaced with ...
AbstractLet C[0, 1] be the space of all continuous functions defined on [0, 1] and U be an n dimensi...
We prove that if 1 < p< ∞ and δ:] 0 , p- 1] →] 0 , ∞[is continuous, nondecreasing, and satisfies the...
We give equivalent, explicit expressions for the norms of the small and grand Lebesgue spaces, which...
AbstractBest approximation to ƒ ϵ C[a, b] by elements of an n-dimensional Tchebycheff space in monot...
The norm of the grand Lebesgue spaces is defined through the supremum of Lebesgue norms, balanced by...
Let $Φ(t) = ʃ_{0}^{t} a(s)ds$ and $Ψ(t) = ʃ_{0}^{t} b(s)ds$, where a(s) is a positive continuous fun...
AbstractWe prove that for a decreasing weight w, the following inequality is sharp:∫0∞(f⁎⁎(t)−f⁎(t))...
Let Ω ⊂ Rn be of finite Lebesgue measure and 1 0 is embedded in the space L(p(Ω), which again is em...
AbstractA family of norms ∥g∥(α), 0 < α < 1, which combine features of both the uniform and the L1 n...
We build a new class of Banach function spaces, whose function norm isρ(p[⋅],δ[⋅](f)=inff=∑k=1∞fk∑k...
Here we collect some notation and basic lemmas used throughout this note. Throughout, for a random v...
If ψ: [0 , ℓ] → [0 , ∞[is absolutely continuous, nondecreasing, and such that ψ(ℓ) > ψ(0) , ψ(t) > 0...
We prove that if p>1 and ψ:]0,p−1]→]0,∞[ is just nondecreasing and differentiable (hence not necessa...
We prove that if p> 1 and ψ:] 0 , p- 1 [→] 0 , ∞[is nondecreasing, then sup0<1ψ(p-11-logt)‖f∗‖...
A version of the Lebesgue differentiation theorem is offered, where the $L^p$ norm is replaced with ...
AbstractLet C[0, 1] be the space of all continuous functions defined on [0, 1] and U be an n dimensi...
We prove that if 1 < p< ∞ and δ:] 0 , p- 1] →] 0 , ∞[is continuous, nondecreasing, and satisfies the...
We give equivalent, explicit expressions for the norms of the small and grand Lebesgue spaces, which...
AbstractBest approximation to ƒ ϵ C[a, b] by elements of an n-dimensional Tchebycheff space in monot...
The norm of the grand Lebesgue spaces is defined through the supremum of Lebesgue norms, balanced by...
Let $Φ(t) = ʃ_{0}^{t} a(s)ds$ and $Ψ(t) = ʃ_{0}^{t} b(s)ds$, where a(s) is a positive continuous fun...
AbstractWe prove that for a decreasing weight w, the following inequality is sharp:∫0∞(f⁎⁎(t)−f⁎(t))...
Let Ω ⊂ Rn be of finite Lebesgue measure and 1 0 is embedded in the space L(p(Ω), which again is em...
AbstractA family of norms ∥g∥(α), 0 < α < 1, which combine features of both the uniform and the L1 n...
We build a new class of Banach function spaces, whose function norm isρ(p[⋅],δ[⋅](f)=inff=∑k=1∞fk∑k...
Here we collect some notation and basic lemmas used throughout this note. Throughout, for a random v...