59 HalamanPenelitian ini berjudul Media Sosial Twitter Sebagai Sarana Mengakses Informasi Pelecehan Seksual (Studi Netnografi Thread Korban Pelecehan “Fetish Kain Bungkus”). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas dan motif penggunaan media sosial Twitter sebagai sarana mengakses informasi pelecehan seksual “fetish kain bungkus” dengan pendekatan teori uses and gratifications. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah empat orang mahasiswa dan peneliti memilih @collegemenfess yaitu akun autobase sebagai salah satu akun untuk menemukan informan. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode Netnografi, dengan melakukan pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ak...
Technology is getting more sophisticated and more and more people are able to access and use the tec...
Media sosial termasuk suatu platform digital yang mengizinkan pemakainya untuk berinteraksi, bertuka...
Maraknya penggunaan jejaring sosial twitter dikalangan masyarakat modern saat ini tengah sangat popu...
This study focuses on the problem of sexual harassment that occurs in new social spaces, namely in t...
Social media is a communication media used by all productive age groups and is the most sensitive p...
Pornography by Twitter Social Media Account (Case Study On Alter Account @juliebabys) AFIFAH DINIILA...
Cyberbullying is the behavior of an act of intimidation that occurs in cyberspace, especially on soc...
Adolescent sexual behavior is a sexual activity carried out by adolescents with their partners to fu...
In the current era of globalization, information and communication technology is developing rapidly,...
The number of sexual abuse cases experienced by women in the education sector and victim blaming cu...
Adanya pelecehan seksual selama pandemi melalui media sosial perlu perhatian khusus bagaimana pesan ...
Malaysia has been recorded as having one of the highest internet penetration rates in the Southeast ...
Many survivors of sexual violence have come forward to disclose their experiences on social media. T...
According to (Holmes, 2012:383) social media is part of a technology that is outrageous, where vario...
On Instagram, a appears phenomenon called “celebgram”, because of its popularity, celebrities are vu...
Technology is getting more sophisticated and more and more people are able to access and use the tec...
Media sosial termasuk suatu platform digital yang mengizinkan pemakainya untuk berinteraksi, bertuka...
Maraknya penggunaan jejaring sosial twitter dikalangan masyarakat modern saat ini tengah sangat popu...
This study focuses on the problem of sexual harassment that occurs in new social spaces, namely in t...
Social media is a communication media used by all productive age groups and is the most sensitive p...
Pornography by Twitter Social Media Account (Case Study On Alter Account @juliebabys) AFIFAH DINIILA...
Cyberbullying is the behavior of an act of intimidation that occurs in cyberspace, especially on soc...
Adolescent sexual behavior is a sexual activity carried out by adolescents with their partners to fu...
In the current era of globalization, information and communication technology is developing rapidly,...
The number of sexual abuse cases experienced by women in the education sector and victim blaming cu...
Adanya pelecehan seksual selama pandemi melalui media sosial perlu perhatian khusus bagaimana pesan ...
Malaysia has been recorded as having one of the highest internet penetration rates in the Southeast ...
Many survivors of sexual violence have come forward to disclose their experiences on social media. T...
According to (Holmes, 2012:383) social media is part of a technology that is outrageous, where vario...
On Instagram, a appears phenomenon called “celebgram”, because of its popularity, celebrities are vu...
Technology is getting more sophisticated and more and more people are able to access and use the tec...
Media sosial termasuk suatu platform digital yang mengizinkan pemakainya untuk berinteraksi, bertuka...
Maraknya penggunaan jejaring sosial twitter dikalangan masyarakat modern saat ini tengah sangat popu...