Perkembangan kehidupan masyarakat yang begitu cepat sebagai hasil dan proses pelaksanaan pembangunan di segala bidang kehidupan sosial, politik, ekonomi, keamanan dan budaya selain membawa dampak positif, juga telah membawa dampak negatif berupa peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas berbagai macam kejahatan yang sangat merugikan dan meresahkan masyarakat, contohnya yaitu adanya praktek perjudian. Perjudian adalah suatu bentuk patologi sosial yang menjadi ancaman yang nyata atau potensial terhadap norma-norma sosial sehingga bisa mengancam berlangsungnya ketertiban sosial. Dengan demikian perjudian dapat menjadi penghambat pembangunan nasional dan beraspek materil-spiritual. Teknik penelitian yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan norma-nor...
Gambling game of chicken is one of the social ills that need to beprevented and mitigated the impact...
Judi berbahaya bagi masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara, serta sangat kontradiktif dengan agama, etika da...
ABSTR ACT Poverty is decisive in the onset of evil, due to the economic situation, which is below av...
Gambling in the historical process is not easy to eradicate. In essence, gambling is an act that is ...
AbstrakSaat ini, perjudian sudah dalam tahap menghawatirkan. Perkembangan perjudian semakin cepat da...
This research analyzes the application of criminal law to gambling offenses and the efforts of law e...
Gambling is a criminal act that has been be entrenched in the people of Indonesia is no exception be...
In the middle of combating gambling spirit proclaimed by the government of therepublic Indonesia, do...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang (1) Apakah yang menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya perjudian di ling...
Realizing the importance of rules or laws that regulate problem gambling in any form in Indonesia i...
Gambling in Indonesia is criminal act regulated in 303 KUHP and Republic Indonesia Law No. 7 of 19...
The purpose of this study is to find out what forms of gambling are in Boyolali Regency, what effort...
ABSTRACT Gambling has existed since ancient times as the development of human civilizatio...
The purpose of this study is; (a) Knowing the role of the police in enforcing the law of Capjiekia g...
Perjudian adalah hal yang bertentangan dengan agama, kesusilaan dan moral pancasila serta membahayak...
Gambling game of chicken is one of the social ills that need to beprevented and mitigated the impact...
Judi berbahaya bagi masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara, serta sangat kontradiktif dengan agama, etika da...
ABSTR ACT Poverty is decisive in the onset of evil, due to the economic situation, which is below av...
Gambling in the historical process is not easy to eradicate. In essence, gambling is an act that is ...
AbstrakSaat ini, perjudian sudah dalam tahap menghawatirkan. Perkembangan perjudian semakin cepat da...
This research analyzes the application of criminal law to gambling offenses and the efforts of law e...
Gambling is a criminal act that has been be entrenched in the people of Indonesia is no exception be...
In the middle of combating gambling spirit proclaimed by the government of therepublic Indonesia, do...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang (1) Apakah yang menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya perjudian di ling...
Realizing the importance of rules or laws that regulate problem gambling in any form in Indonesia i...
Gambling in Indonesia is criminal act regulated in 303 KUHP and Republic Indonesia Law No. 7 of 19...
The purpose of this study is to find out what forms of gambling are in Boyolali Regency, what effort...
ABSTRACT Gambling has existed since ancient times as the development of human civilizatio...
The purpose of this study is; (a) Knowing the role of the police in enforcing the law of Capjiekia g...
Perjudian adalah hal yang bertentangan dengan agama, kesusilaan dan moral pancasila serta membahayak...
Gambling game of chicken is one of the social ills that need to beprevented and mitigated the impact...
Judi berbahaya bagi masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara, serta sangat kontradiktif dengan agama, etika da...
ABSTR ACT Poverty is decisive in the onset of evil, due to the economic situation, which is below av...