76 HalamanKemunculan wabah Covid-19 memberi dampak pada pola kerja. Walaupun pimpinan selalu memberikan motivasi saat bekerja namun kinerja pegawai semakin menurun. Masalah ini dibuktikan dengan perubahan jadwal kerja dengan sebelumnya. Beberapa pegawai bekerja layaknya hari biasa di kantor dan ada juga pegawai yang melakukan pekerjaan mereka dari rumah atau work from home (WFH). Demikian kondisi sebaliknya dengan jadwal yang sudah ditentukan oleh pihak biro bahwa para pejabat Biro Bina Perekonomian Provinsi Sumatera Utara bekerja dari rumah dan para staff bekerja dari kantor. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas komunikasi organisasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja pegawai di kantor Biro Bina Perekonomian Provinsi...
One of the roles of human resources is reflected in the duties of the government apparatus (ASN) in ...
The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between organizational commitment and performan...
He COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed the economy in many countries. The Indonesian government decided ...
Improving the quality of human resources will have an impact on progress for the government to survi...
Komitmen organisasi memainkan peran penting dalam menentukan apakah karyawan akan bertahan didalam o...
32 HalamanKKL Mengenalkan penulis bagaiman aberinteraksi dalam bekerja dan mengenal dunia kerja yang...
The rapid spread of the covid-19 virus has had an impact on the lives and jobs of communities around...
The rapid spread of the covid-19 virus has had an impact on the lives and jobs of communities around...
Sistem WFH sudah sangat terbukti dalam membantu pekerjaan para karyawan di saat pandemi Covid-19. Na...
This study aims to prove the effect of organizational communication on employee performance at PT. P...
This study aims to determine the role of leaders in creating efficiency and effectiveness of working...
This study aims to analyze the impact of industrial relations and communication on employee effectiv...
Komunikasi yang efektif ditentukan oleh pihak–pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya, yaitu pimpinan dan p...
The research was conducted to analyze the influence of Organizational Communication to employee perf...
The purpose of the research is to describe and determine the influence of effectiveness in communica...
One of the roles of human resources is reflected in the duties of the government apparatus (ASN) in ...
The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between organizational commitment and performan...
He COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed the economy in many countries. The Indonesian government decided ...
Improving the quality of human resources will have an impact on progress for the government to survi...
Komitmen organisasi memainkan peran penting dalam menentukan apakah karyawan akan bertahan didalam o...
32 HalamanKKL Mengenalkan penulis bagaiman aberinteraksi dalam bekerja dan mengenal dunia kerja yang...
The rapid spread of the covid-19 virus has had an impact on the lives and jobs of communities around...
The rapid spread of the covid-19 virus has had an impact on the lives and jobs of communities around...
Sistem WFH sudah sangat terbukti dalam membantu pekerjaan para karyawan di saat pandemi Covid-19. Na...
This study aims to prove the effect of organizational communication on employee performance at PT. P...
This study aims to determine the role of leaders in creating efficiency and effectiveness of working...
This study aims to analyze the impact of industrial relations and communication on employee effectiv...
Komunikasi yang efektif ditentukan oleh pihak–pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya, yaitu pimpinan dan p...
The research was conducted to analyze the influence of Organizational Communication to employee perf...
The purpose of the research is to describe and determine the influence of effectiveness in communica...
One of the roles of human resources is reflected in the duties of the government apparatus (ASN) in ...
The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between organizational commitment and performan...
He COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed the economy in many countries. The Indonesian government decided ...