The fundamental indication of the departure of quantum mechanics from the classical world is the so-called quantum coherence. Typically, we define it as the characteristic of systems which are in a superposition of states yielding interference patterns in certain kinds of experiments. In addition to its captivating philosophical implications, quantum coherence turned out to be a valuable tool in different areas, ranging from quantum information to biology, where it was used to describe several fundamental processes. Here, we go one step further to study how classical uncertainties in a mixture of similar states reduce quantum coherence in quantum scattering theory. To this end, we deal with different examples, all of them with roots in the ...
Control at the interface between the classical and the quantum world is fundamental in quantum physi...
Optical response of an active medium can substantially be modified when coherent superpositions of s...
AbstractCoherent phenomena in molecular chromophores interacting with a dissipative environment is a...
A major signature of quantum mechanics beyond classical physics is coherence, the existence of super...
The coherent superposition of states, in combination with the quantization of observables, represent...
The coherent superposition of states, in combination with the quantization of observables, represent...
A major signature of quantum mechanics beyond classical physics is coherence, the existence of super...
One of the fundamental features that separates quantum physics from classical physics is the idea of...
Quantifying coherence is an essential endeavour for both quantum foundations and quantum technologie...
Quantifying coherence is an essential endeavour for both quantum foundations and quantum technologie...
In Newtonian mechanics, any closed-system dynamics of a composite system in a microstate will leave ...
Quantifying coherence is an essential endeavour for both quantum foundations and quantum technologie...
Quantum coherence is an essential ingredient in quantum information processing and plays a central r...
Quantum coherence is the key resource for quantum technology, with applications in quantum optics, i...
Recent results in quantum information theory characterize quantum coherence in the context of resour...
Control at the interface between the classical and the quantum world is fundamental in quantum physi...
Optical response of an active medium can substantially be modified when coherent superpositions of s...
AbstractCoherent phenomena in molecular chromophores interacting with a dissipative environment is a...
A major signature of quantum mechanics beyond classical physics is coherence, the existence of super...
The coherent superposition of states, in combination with the quantization of observables, represent...
The coherent superposition of states, in combination with the quantization of observables, represent...
A major signature of quantum mechanics beyond classical physics is coherence, the existence of super...
One of the fundamental features that separates quantum physics from classical physics is the idea of...
Quantifying coherence is an essential endeavour for both quantum foundations and quantum technologie...
Quantifying coherence is an essential endeavour for both quantum foundations and quantum technologie...
In Newtonian mechanics, any closed-system dynamics of a composite system in a microstate will leave ...
Quantifying coherence is an essential endeavour for both quantum foundations and quantum technologie...
Quantum coherence is an essential ingredient in quantum information processing and plays a central r...
Quantum coherence is the key resource for quantum technology, with applications in quantum optics, i...
Recent results in quantum information theory characterize quantum coherence in the context of resour...
Control at the interface between the classical and the quantum world is fundamental in quantum physi...
Optical response of an active medium can substantially be modified when coherent superpositions of s...
AbstractCoherent phenomena in molecular chromophores interacting with a dissipative environment is a...