The Dingo Debate explores the intriguing and relatively unknown story of Australia’s most controversial animal – the dingo. Throughout its existence, the dingo has been shaped by its interactions with human societies. With this as a central theme, the book traces the story of the dingo from its beginnings as a semi-domesticated wild dog in South-east Asia, to its current status as a wild Australian native animal under threat of extinction. It describes how dingoes made their way to Australia, their subsequent relationship with Indigenous Australians, their successful adaption to the Australian landscape and their constant battle against the agricultural industry. During these events, the dingo has demonstrated an unparalleled intelligence ...
This paper investigates the origin of the once popular belief in Australian society that wild dingoe...
The taxonomic status and systematic nomenclature of the Australian dingo remain contentious, resulti...
Many top-predators are declining and/or threatened. For these reasons, conservation efforts are a ma...
The Dingo Debate explores the intriguing and relatively unknown story of Australia’s most controvers...
Abstract Background The Australian dingo continues to cause debate amongst Aboriginal people, pastor...
Conflict between humans and wildlife impacts both biodiversity and humans. I explored Australian din...
Many present-day Australians see the dingo as a threat and a pest to human production systems. An al...
My thesis examines the discourse which has encoded the dingo since it arrived in Australia nearly fi...
How wildlife is defined, and which wildlife is accorded protection, emerges from competing construct...
Arvio teoksesta The dingo debate : origins, behaviour and conservation / toim. B. Smith
Past research on dingoes Canis lupus dingo indicated that ‘pure’ populations were threatened by hybr...
The taxonomic status and systematic nomenclature of the Australian dingo remain contentious, resulti...
In this chapter we discuss the issue of genetic introgression in the dingo, exploring the various me...
The taxonomic status and systematic nomenclature of the Australian dingo remain contentious, resulti...
Smith, BP ORCiD: 0000-0002-0873-3917Studies of environmental history provide an important lens throu...
This paper investigates the origin of the once popular belief in Australian society that wild dingoe...
The taxonomic status and systematic nomenclature of the Australian dingo remain contentious, resulti...
Many top-predators are declining and/or threatened. For these reasons, conservation efforts are a ma...
The Dingo Debate explores the intriguing and relatively unknown story of Australia’s most controvers...
Abstract Background The Australian dingo continues to cause debate amongst Aboriginal people, pastor...
Conflict between humans and wildlife impacts both biodiversity and humans. I explored Australian din...
Many present-day Australians see the dingo as a threat and a pest to human production systems. An al...
My thesis examines the discourse which has encoded the dingo since it arrived in Australia nearly fi...
How wildlife is defined, and which wildlife is accorded protection, emerges from competing construct...
Arvio teoksesta The dingo debate : origins, behaviour and conservation / toim. B. Smith
Past research on dingoes Canis lupus dingo indicated that ‘pure’ populations were threatened by hybr...
The taxonomic status and systematic nomenclature of the Australian dingo remain contentious, resulti...
In this chapter we discuss the issue of genetic introgression in the dingo, exploring the various me...
The taxonomic status and systematic nomenclature of the Australian dingo remain contentious, resulti...
Smith, BP ORCiD: 0000-0002-0873-3917Studies of environmental history provide an important lens throu...
This paper investigates the origin of the once popular belief in Australian society that wild dingoe...
The taxonomic status and systematic nomenclature of the Australian dingo remain contentious, resulti...
Many top-predators are declining and/or threatened. For these reasons, conservation efforts are a ma...