Semantik adalah cabang linguistik. Dengan arti semantik, semantik adalah studi tentang makna. Begitu banyak jenis makna, di antara makna leksikal dan kontekstual lainnya. Makna leksikal adalah makna menurut kamus atau spesifik langsung dari suatu kata, dan makna kontekstual adalah makna sesuai dengan konteksnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan makna leksikal dan kontekstual dari kata-kata dalam baris puisi berjudul Fenomenal Woman karya Maya Angelou. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif karena peneliti akan menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan objek penelitian dari baris-baris dalam puisi Fenomenal Woman karya Maya Angelou. Langkah pertama dalam memperoleh data adalah dengan mengumpulkan sumber data dari buku...
For certain, one does not need to be a colossal voracious reader as to arriving at what Maya Angelou...
This research aims to analyze the ideal woman as portrayed in Maya Agnelou’s “Phenomenal Woman” Poe...
Language is a very important tool in literature, as literature cannot be studied without language, b...
Abstract: Semantics is the study of meaning. So many kinds of meaning, among other lexical and conte...
Millati, Zuyyina. Student Registered Number. 12203173004. 2021. Figurative Languages Used in Maya An...
In this thesis, the writer found two types of poetic function in the novel. Those are metaphor and m...
Phenomenal Woman is a poem by Maya Angelou that talks about women’s bodies. From the first read, it...
The problem in this thesis is feminism in education, occupation and social as seen in Maya Angelou’s...
Figurative language is used to beautify literary work especially the poems. It can make the poems mo...
This research used a descriptive qualitative method used to analyze data. Figurative language was an...
The research method used is a qualitative method. Researchers use note-taking as an instrument to re...
This research presented the stylistic analysis of a poem by Maya Angelou, Equality. The poem was cho...
This research is aimed to discover the image of women in three poems of Maya Angelou and the kinds o...
This research presented the stylistic analysis of a poem by Maya Angelou, Equality. The poem was cho...
This graduating paper analyzes Maya Angelou�s poem �Woman Work�. This poem talks about identit...
For certain, one does not need to be a colossal voracious reader as to arriving at what Maya Angelou...
This research aims to analyze the ideal woman as portrayed in Maya Agnelou’s “Phenomenal Woman” Poe...
Language is a very important tool in literature, as literature cannot be studied without language, b...
Abstract: Semantics is the study of meaning. So many kinds of meaning, among other lexical and conte...
Millati, Zuyyina. Student Registered Number. 12203173004. 2021. Figurative Languages Used in Maya An...
In this thesis, the writer found two types of poetic function in the novel. Those are metaphor and m...
Phenomenal Woman is a poem by Maya Angelou that talks about women’s bodies. From the first read, it...
The problem in this thesis is feminism in education, occupation and social as seen in Maya Angelou’s...
Figurative language is used to beautify literary work especially the poems. It can make the poems mo...
This research used a descriptive qualitative method used to analyze data. Figurative language was an...
The research method used is a qualitative method. Researchers use note-taking as an instrument to re...
This research presented the stylistic analysis of a poem by Maya Angelou, Equality. The poem was cho...
This research is aimed to discover the image of women in three poems of Maya Angelou and the kinds o...
This research presented the stylistic analysis of a poem by Maya Angelou, Equality. The poem was cho...
This graduating paper analyzes Maya Angelou�s poem �Woman Work�. This poem talks about identit...
For certain, one does not need to be a colossal voracious reader as to arriving at what Maya Angelou...
This research aims to analyze the ideal woman as portrayed in Maya Agnelou’s “Phenomenal Woman” Poe...
Language is a very important tool in literature, as literature cannot be studied without language, b...