Hand-colored postcard. History of Matamoros from 1765 until 1913. MATAMOROS, MEXICO. H. Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico is situated in Northeast Mexico in the State of Tamaulipas on the Rio Grande about 30 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. From 1765 to 1796. Matamoros was known as San Juan de los Esteros and after 1796 it was named Congregation del Refugio until 1821, when it was organized as a village and named Matamoros to commemorate the martyr, priest Mariano Matamoros, who had lost his life in the Mexican wars of Independence. In 1826 Matamoros was surveyed and organized into a city and its growth was slow until after the War with the United States in 1846 and 1847, then it progressed very rapidly and reached its maximum size during the Am...