Trial 66M29 Location: Merredin Research Station. An old land site, cleared in 1909. First sown to Cyprus Barrel medic in 1955, grazed and topdressed. Cropped, 1962 and 1964. Medic resown in 1965. Trial 67C13 Location: Chapman Research Station An old land site, cleared in 1903. Sown to Dwalganup sub clover in 1964, topdressed each year until the start of the trial in 1967. In 1981 to 83 all plots were reseeded with Northam at 20 kg/ha. In 1988 rotations were altered to allow inclusion of grain lupins, the following changes were made: 1. The 4 plots of 2 crop :2 pasture were changed to 2 reps of wheat : lupins or lupins : wheat. 2. The 3 crop : 3 pasture had lupins included as the second crop, are now 3 pasture : wheat : lupins : wheat. Trial...