Clover Scorch (Jointly with Dr C.M. Francis). One thousand four hundred and seventy six legumes were screened in the field at the Denmark Research Station for susceptibility to clover scorch. They comprised 1440 subterranean clovers, eight other Trifoliums, two medics and 26 serradellas. The clovers from Australia gave interesting results. Thirty four of them were selections of Seaton Park, chosen by R.C. Rossiter and W. J. Collins on the basis of their variation. They did not differ in their reaction to clover scorch; all gave rating of 9. Twenty-six lines of Woogenellup from W.A. and 12 of Woogenellup and Morrar from N.S.W. were also tested. The Western Australian lines comprised 9 certified lines and 17 farmer sam...