These photographs were taken for the 1944-1945 edition of the Uintah High School Yearbook. They are located on page 22. The portraits in the top left corner are of the seventh grade class presidency. From left to right: Lynn King (president) and Joan DeJournette (secretary). The portraits on the bottom half of this page are of members of the seventh grade class. Top row, from left to right: Peggy Chivers, LaThare Bodily, Renee Allred, Edward Davis, Donna Bennion, Eugene Fields, Mary Alice Calder, and Terry Fletcher. Second row down, from left to right: Dale Goodrich, Joan DeJournette, Verdin Goodrich, Donna Beth Eaton, Trevier Harrison, Ileene Gardiner, Lloyd Hatch, and Marvel Goodrich. Third row down, from left to right: Valenna Gardiner, ...