The photographs were taken for the 1952 edition of the Uintah High School yearbook. They are on page 38. The photograph in the top left corner is of the Seventh Grade Class Officers. They were in no particular order: Jimmy Abegglen (President), Plasie Alexander (Vice-President), and Janna Openshaw (Secretary). In the bottom half of the page, the photographs are of some of the members of the Seventh Grade Class. Top row, from left to right: Darlene Clark and Arlene Clark. Second row down, from left to right: Ned Reynolds, Plasie Alexander, Gary Olson, Carol Striegel, and Jimmy Abbeglin. Third row down, from left to right: Layne Powell, Billy Williamson, Sherlene Karren, Don Samuels, Ilene Karren, and Judy Waite. Fourth row down, from left to...