Dans l’ıˆle de Cre`te, les facie`s du Lago Mare du Messinien supe´rieur ne sont pas bien connus. Actuellement, la pre´sence dans l’Iˆle de Cre`te des de´poˆ ts post-e´vaporitiques du Messinien supe´rieur est une question qui fait de´bat. Dans ce travail, on pre´sente les re´sultats pre´liminaires des analyses biostratigraphiques re´alise´es sur des e´chantillons pre´leve´s dans des affleurements de la Plaine de Messara`. Pre`s de Faneromeni et Ano Akria, la limite Mioce`ne/Plioce`ne est bien observable. Ici, les de´poˆ ts e´vaporitiques du Messinien sont caracte´rise´s par des argiles contenant du gypse, du gypse microcristallin lamine´ et des gypsorudites. Dans ces zones, on a trouve´ au-dessus des e´vaporites du Messinien des argiles ...
The latcst Messinian Iago-ma~ event, which affected the whole Mediterranean area, is wen constrained...
A gigantic cascade of Atlantic waters, filling the deep desiccated Mediterranean basin at the begin...
The Mondragone 1 well, drilled in 1968 by Agip, for hydrocarbon exploration, cut across siliciclasti...
Dans l’ıˆle de Cre`te, les facie`s du Lago Mare du Messinien supe´rieur ne sont pas bien connus. Act...
In the Crete Island, late Messinian Lago-Mare facies are not well known. At present, the occurrence ...
In the Crete Island, late Messinian Lago-Mare facies are not well known. At present, the occurrence ...
In the Crete Island, late Messinian Lago-Mare facies are not well known. At present, the occurrence ...
After the Upper Messinian Mediterranean Lago-Mare phase, at the end of the Messinian salinity crisis...
The ostracod assemblages with Paratethyan affinity from several late Messinian Lago-Mare deposits lo...
Nel presente lavoro sono state analizzate le ostracofaune ad affinità paratetisiana provenienti da d...
""The different phases of colonization of the Palaeo-. Mediterranean by the Paratethyan ostracods du...
Geological investigations carried out on the Dahra Massif have revealed sedimentary changes and bioe...
The Mondragone 1 well, drilled in 1968 by Agip, for hydrocarbon exploration, is located in the plain...
The Mondragone 1 well, drilled in 1968 by Agip, for hydrocarbon exploration, is located in the plain...
International audienceThis paper provides a new environmental, sedimentological and stratigraphic co...
The latcst Messinian Iago-ma~ event, which affected the whole Mediterranean area, is wen constrained...
A gigantic cascade of Atlantic waters, filling the deep desiccated Mediterranean basin at the begin...
The Mondragone 1 well, drilled in 1968 by Agip, for hydrocarbon exploration, cut across siliciclasti...
Dans l’ıˆle de Cre`te, les facie`s du Lago Mare du Messinien supe´rieur ne sont pas bien connus. Act...
In the Crete Island, late Messinian Lago-Mare facies are not well known. At present, the occurrence ...
In the Crete Island, late Messinian Lago-Mare facies are not well known. At present, the occurrence ...
In the Crete Island, late Messinian Lago-Mare facies are not well known. At present, the occurrence ...
After the Upper Messinian Mediterranean Lago-Mare phase, at the end of the Messinian salinity crisis...
The ostracod assemblages with Paratethyan affinity from several late Messinian Lago-Mare deposits lo...
Nel presente lavoro sono state analizzate le ostracofaune ad affinità paratetisiana provenienti da d...
""The different phases of colonization of the Palaeo-. Mediterranean by the Paratethyan ostracods du...
Geological investigations carried out on the Dahra Massif have revealed sedimentary changes and bioe...
The Mondragone 1 well, drilled in 1968 by Agip, for hydrocarbon exploration, is located in the plain...
The Mondragone 1 well, drilled in 1968 by Agip, for hydrocarbon exploration, is located in the plain...
International audienceThis paper provides a new environmental, sedimentological and stratigraphic co...
The latcst Messinian Iago-ma~ event, which affected the whole Mediterranean area, is wen constrained...
A gigantic cascade of Atlantic waters, filling the deep desiccated Mediterranean basin at the begin...
The Mondragone 1 well, drilled in 1968 by Agip, for hydrocarbon exploration, cut across siliciclasti...