When designing indicators of well being attention is focused on its multidimensionality and on aggregation across different dimensions. However, two other aspects need consideration: distribution of each indicator within its dimension (inequality) and joint distribution of individual achievements or—viceversa—of deprivations. Aim of this paper is to suggest a correction to the composite well-being index; correction that takes into account some aspects concerning the joint micro distribution of achievements across dimensions. As an example we correct the human development index by means of the multidimensional poverty index
In multidimensional indexes employed to measure well-being and deprivation, income is sometimes incl...
Poverty and wellbeing are multi-dimensional. Nobody questions that deprivations and achievements go ...
We examine the measurement of multidimensional poverty and material deprivation following the counti...
When designing indicators of well being attention is focused on its multidimensionality and on aggre...
When building indicators of quality of life attention is focused on aggregation across different dim...
Evaluating the welfare of nations is high on the research agenda of the economists, practitioners an...
The multidimensional view of human well-being has a growing influence on research on inequality and ...
This paper investigates the evolution of global well-being inequality between 1980 and 2010 based on...
This paper explores some difficulties encountered in multi-dimensional measures of wellbeing. In par...
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new approach for the synthesis and analysis of multidimensio...
Comunicação apresentada na Third International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development",Devel...
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new approach for the synthesis and analysis of multidimensio...
Poverty and wellbeing are multi-dimensional. Nobody questions that deprivations and achievements go ...
An important aspect of multidimensional wellbeing distributions is the correlation between different...
The increasing interest in multidimensional poverty and well-being analysis added complexity to the ...
In multidimensional indexes employed to measure well-being and deprivation, income is sometimes incl...
Poverty and wellbeing are multi-dimensional. Nobody questions that deprivations and achievements go ...
We examine the measurement of multidimensional poverty and material deprivation following the counti...
When designing indicators of well being attention is focused on its multidimensionality and on aggre...
When building indicators of quality of life attention is focused on aggregation across different dim...
Evaluating the welfare of nations is high on the research agenda of the economists, practitioners an...
The multidimensional view of human well-being has a growing influence on research on inequality and ...
This paper investigates the evolution of global well-being inequality between 1980 and 2010 based on...
This paper explores some difficulties encountered in multi-dimensional measures of wellbeing. In par...
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new approach for the synthesis and analysis of multidimensio...
Comunicação apresentada na Third International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development",Devel...
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new approach for the synthesis and analysis of multidimensio...
Poverty and wellbeing are multi-dimensional. Nobody questions that deprivations and achievements go ...
An important aspect of multidimensional wellbeing distributions is the correlation between different...
The increasing interest in multidimensional poverty and well-being analysis added complexity to the ...
In multidimensional indexes employed to measure well-being and deprivation, income is sometimes incl...
Poverty and wellbeing are multi-dimensional. Nobody questions that deprivations and achievements go ...
We examine the measurement of multidimensional poverty and material deprivation following the counti...