The improvements in semiconductor technologies are gradually enabling extreme-scale systems such as teradevices (i.e., chips composed by 1000 billion of transistors), most likely by 2020. Three major challenges have been identified: programmability, manageable architecture design, and reliability. TERAFLUX is a Future and Emerging Technology (FET) large-scale project funded by the European Union, which addresses such challenges at once by leveraging the dataflow principles. This paper presents an overview of the research carried out by the TERAFLUX partners and some preliminary results. Our platform comprises 1000+ general purpose cores per chip in order to properly explore the above challenges. An architectural template has been proposed a...
Abstract The design of new computer systems always requires a strong simulation effort in order to e...
The high parallelism of future Teradevices, which are going to contain more than 1,000 complex cores...
Future computing systems (Teradevices) will probably contain more than 1000 cores on a single die. T...
The improvements in semiconductor technologies are gradually enabling extreme-scale systems such as ...
Abstract-Thanks to the improvements in semiconductor technologies, extreme-scale systems such as ter...
Thanks to the improvements in semiconductor technologies, extreme-scale systems such as teradevices ...
Abstract — Thanks to the improvements in semiconductor technologies, extreme-scale systems such as t...
The number of cores per chip keeps increasing in order to improve performance while controlling the ...
AbstractThe number of cores per chip keeps increasing in order to improve performance while controll...
The TERAFLUX project is a Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Large-Scale Project funded by the E...
Recent Silicon advances promise to keep Moore s Forecast true for at least this decade. In numbers...
Abstract The design of new computer systems always requires a strong simulation effort in order to e...
The high parallelism of future Teradevices, which are going to contain more than 1,000 complex cores...
Future computing systems (Teradevices) will probably contain more than 1000 cores on a single die. T...
The improvements in semiconductor technologies are gradually enabling extreme-scale systems such as ...
Abstract-Thanks to the improvements in semiconductor technologies, extreme-scale systems such as ter...
Thanks to the improvements in semiconductor technologies, extreme-scale systems such as teradevices ...
Abstract — Thanks to the improvements in semiconductor technologies, extreme-scale systems such as t...
The number of cores per chip keeps increasing in order to improve performance while controlling the ...
AbstractThe number of cores per chip keeps increasing in order to improve performance while controll...
The TERAFLUX project is a Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Large-Scale Project funded by the E...
Recent Silicon advances promise to keep Moore s Forecast true for at least this decade. In numbers...
Abstract The design of new computer systems always requires a strong simulation effort in order to e...
The high parallelism of future Teradevices, which are going to contain more than 1,000 complex cores...
Future computing systems (Teradevices) will probably contain more than 1000 cores on a single die. T...