The clear sound of these drums suggests metal rather than membrane tone. The membranes had been tightened almost to breaking point over the fire. A tape fault can be heard near the beginning of this item. 1 x - 14.52104 -; 4 x - 14.25103 -; 4 x - 14.02101 -. This set of 9 drums was very carefully tuned before playing particularly the four small goblet drums which were played by one man and were tuned approximately to 840, 672, 568, 464 vs. Between items the drums would be taken to a fire, wetted and returned by heat, but naturally the tuning can only be approximately correct. If the above tuning was correct the intervals would be approximately 386, 291, 350 cents or about a 7th in all. The drums were made from wood of the Mukongo tree. Mado...