The tuning of the horns seems to be entirely hapharzard and is controlled by the fortuitous length and shape of the horns employed. The smaller boys played the shorter horns and the larger boys the longer horns. The bass horns needing more breath to blow them. This is a very wild kind of dance, with everyone dancing madly in a mob. The step is a short staccato, jigging step to and fro, very simple. Noise seems to be the main object and the dust thrown up by their feet in the alluvial soil of the river valley almost obscured the tight knot of dancers. The celeste caused by the treble pipes in deafening to an observer, but too high pitched to record. The names of the 7 drums from smal to large were:- 1) Gogogo, 2) Kingaridi, 3) Chamutanda, 4)...