2 Chohodwani drums, hanging on poles (beaters) pegged, closed. 1 Shikulu drum. Big drum on ground, hand beaten, wine barrel. 2 Kirisu drums on ground (beaters) pegged open. 1 Tsakara corrugated iron strip on supports, 6 ft. long. 1 Punzu sable antelope horn. The 2 Kisusu drums were played by one man who beat an irregular rhythm against the three other drum's regular rhythm. The clappers were carefully made of sawn planks, blacked along the edges. The main dance of the GiTonga appears to be a kind of violent dance du ventre in which the hips and belly are rolled and shaken. The women and men coming out in pairs to dance in the centre of the ring. In both Zore II and III the order of appearance of the instrument is:- First Kirisu drums, then ...