The problems of methodical and criminalistics support of court proceedings in criminal cases nowadays are analyzed taking into consideration new provisions of the current Criminal Procedure Legislation of Ukraine. Need of creation of an independent system of court proceedings methods in criminal cases is proved basing on a comparison with the methodology of crimeinvestigations. Main vectors and perspectives for further scientific researches in this field aredefined.Проаналізовано проблеми методико-криміналістичного забезпечення судового розгляду кримінальних справ у сучасних умовах з урахуванням нових положень чинного кримінально-процесуального законодавства України. На підставі порівняння з методикою розслідування злочинів обґрунтовано пот...
The problems of the tactical operations as a means of formalizing the process of investigation and t...
Possibility of the person to address to the court depends on a presence of civil judicial and capabi...
The monograph is devoted to the topic in the contemporary legal literature - theoretical and practic...
Analyzes the some legal defects that are caused by forms of judicial control over the investigative ...
This article analyzes the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code, other regulatory acts on the issue o...
131-135В работе представлены данные анализа педагогической практики, подтверждающие необходимость ин...
On the basis of the system analysis of the norms of the Ukrainian criminal procedural law, a compreh...
Исследуется состояние законности, реализованное через принцип законности на основе соблюдения критер...
Автори у статті розглядають проблему формування математичної компетентності майбутніх вчителів фізик...
The article is devoted to outlining latest issues of common global factors in process of modernity d...
The article analyzes the mechanism of the realization citizens and persons legally residing in the t...
На основі розробленого методу розрахунку усталених асинхронних режимів явнополюсних синхронних двигу...
This paper investigates the general features of evidence-based content judicial activities in crimin...
On the basis of a system analysis of individual methods of collecting physical evidence in criminal ...
Проведены экспериментальные исследования огнетушащего действия многокомпонентных эмульсионных систем...
The problems of the tactical operations as a means of formalizing the process of investigation and t...
Possibility of the person to address to the court depends on a presence of civil judicial and capabi...
The monograph is devoted to the topic in the contemporary legal literature - theoretical and practic...
Analyzes the some legal defects that are caused by forms of judicial control over the investigative ...
This article analyzes the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code, other regulatory acts on the issue o...
131-135В работе представлены данные анализа педагогической практики, подтверждающие необходимость ин...
On the basis of the system analysis of the norms of the Ukrainian criminal procedural law, a compreh...
Исследуется состояние законности, реализованное через принцип законности на основе соблюдения критер...
Автори у статті розглядають проблему формування математичної компетентності майбутніх вчителів фізик...
The article is devoted to outlining latest issues of common global factors in process of modernity d...
The article analyzes the mechanism of the realization citizens and persons legally residing in the t...
На основі розробленого методу розрахунку усталених асинхронних режимів явнополюсних синхронних двигу...
This paper investigates the general features of evidence-based content judicial activities in crimin...
On the basis of a system analysis of individual methods of collecting physical evidence in criminal ...
Проведены экспериментальные исследования огнетушащего действия многокомпонентных эмульсионных систем...
The problems of the tactical operations as a means of formalizing the process of investigation and t...
Possibility of the person to address to the court depends on a presence of civil judicial and capabi...
The monograph is devoted to the topic in the contemporary legal literature - theoretical and practic...