Deerite has been found in the Cu-Fe sulfide deposit of Viafiorcia, Western Alps, associated with the Piemonte ophiolite nappe. This hydrous, ferrous, ferric silicate occurs together with Na-amphibole, stilpnomelane+/- white mica, albite and carbonate, and with pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrrothite, magnetite +/- sphalerite, mackinawite, linneite, tennantite, chalcocite, digenite and covellite within a post-Triassic silica-rich deposit above a flattened lens of metagabbro and minor serpentinite which is interbedded in the calcschist sequence. This Cu-Fe-Si deposit is believed to have formed by precipitation from a hydrothermal system occurring in the extensional Piemonte margin. Electron microprobe analyses (three points) of deerite yiel...