At the smelting plant of PT Smelting Company Gresik produces waste in the form of copper slag. Copper slag waste has several advantages including increasing concrete compressive strength, reducing heat hydration, increasing resistance to sulfate in seawater, reducing alkali-silica and chloride attack. Probolinggo power plant there is the waste product from burning coal. The waste is divided into two types. The flying waste is fly ash obtained by being captured by other particle filtration equipment before the exhaust gas reaches the coal chimney. Whereas the waste that goes down is called bottom ash. This study uses copper slag waste as a partial replacement for sand with fly ash as a partial replacement for cement. The variant used are 40%...
Penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi bahan bangunan dilakukan untuk mencari bahan alternatif lain d...
There is a huge demand of aggregates for the construction of roads and concrete constructions in Pak...
Land disposal regulations are becoming more stringent as a result of health, economic and political ...
At the smelting plant of PT Smelting Company Gresik produces waste in the form of copper slag. Coppe...
Pabrik peleburan tembaga PT Smelting Company Gresik meghasilkan limbah berupa copper slag. Limbah co...
The results of industrial waste in the form of fly ash and copper slag need to be managed properly s...
Berbagai infrastruktur membutuhkan beton sebagai komponen utama pemabngunan. Pemanfaatan limbah seba...
Berbagaiinfrastrukturmembutuhkanbetonsebagaikomponenutamapemabngunan. Pemanfaatanlimbahsebagai mater...
In today’s times waste-disposal is a difficult task and is causing huge dumpsters everywhere. The be...
Copper slag merupakan hasil sampingan dari peleburan tembaga yang memiliki sifat fisik meyerupai pas...
Dalam pengolahannya, 1 ton semen dapat menghasilkan 1 ton limbah CO2. Oleh karena itu sekarang terda...
Utilization of industrial soil waste or secondary materials has encouraged in construction field for...
Copper slag is a by-product obtained during the matte smelting and refining of copper. Production of...
Semen slag adalah kerak (slag) hasil residu pembakaran tanur tinggi, produk non-metal yang merupakan...
The Natural resources are getting exhausted rapidly so construction technology is moving toward the ...
Penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi bahan bangunan dilakukan untuk mencari bahan alternatif lain d...
There is a huge demand of aggregates for the construction of roads and concrete constructions in Pak...
Land disposal regulations are becoming more stringent as a result of health, economic and political ...
At the smelting plant of PT Smelting Company Gresik produces waste in the form of copper slag. Coppe...
Pabrik peleburan tembaga PT Smelting Company Gresik meghasilkan limbah berupa copper slag. Limbah co...
The results of industrial waste in the form of fly ash and copper slag need to be managed properly s...
Berbagai infrastruktur membutuhkan beton sebagai komponen utama pemabngunan. Pemanfaatan limbah seba...
Berbagaiinfrastrukturmembutuhkanbetonsebagaikomponenutamapemabngunan. Pemanfaatanlimbahsebagai mater...
In today’s times waste-disposal is a difficult task and is causing huge dumpsters everywhere. The be...
Copper slag merupakan hasil sampingan dari peleburan tembaga yang memiliki sifat fisik meyerupai pas...
Dalam pengolahannya, 1 ton semen dapat menghasilkan 1 ton limbah CO2. Oleh karena itu sekarang terda...
Utilization of industrial soil waste or secondary materials has encouraged in construction field for...
Copper slag is a by-product obtained during the matte smelting and refining of copper. Production of...
Semen slag adalah kerak (slag) hasil residu pembakaran tanur tinggi, produk non-metal yang merupakan...
The Natural resources are getting exhausted rapidly so construction technology is moving toward the ...
Penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi bahan bangunan dilakukan untuk mencari bahan alternatif lain d...
There is a huge demand of aggregates for the construction of roads and concrete constructions in Pak...
Land disposal regulations are becoming more stringent as a result of health, economic and political ...