In this paper the focus is on the new challenges for firms in order to gain competitive advantage in the immaterial economy, where the battle is for sensemaking. According to recent literature developments, sensemaking is in fact at the centre of modern competition and is a major source of innovation in firms\u2019 propositions: in recent years products and services have become a source of experiences for the customers and a means of collaboration, in an overall context in which the dominant logic of production is increasingly based on services and value creation is the result of co-production and co-creation processes. The paper is a first attempt at taking into account and present in an original frame different literature contribution th...
In recent decades, the need to theorize and practise innovation has become apparent to many domestic...
AbstractThe manufacturing sector is increasingly looking to innovation to ensure productivity growth...
The manufacturing sector is increasingly looking to innovation to ensure productivity growth, especi...
In this paper the focus is on the new challenges for firms in order to gain competitive advantage in...
Product and service concepts show a constant change thanks to innovation practices and theoretical e...
The aim of the study was to make sense of what is meant when the word Innovation is used, as reflect...
Several theories have been developed and try to communicate to managers how innovation occurs in a f...
Design is a resource that could be better utilized by companies in order to create growth and sustai...
The “territory” is widely recognized in the literature on business strategy as a critical driver of ...
Marketing for innovation is like an old wine in new bottles: not a new topic, but an issue of increa...
none1noThe paper aims at flagging some new insights the innovation literature has recently offered t...
Introduction. Innovative development is an integral and active part of all spheres of life of a soci...
The reflections that have driven the research work proposed in this volume take the moves from theor...
In the contemporary business world, the competition among firms is different from the past as this i...
Starting from a research conducted by Confindustria Veneto SIAV and commissioned by ISFOL, a governm...
In recent decades, the need to theorize and practise innovation has become apparent to many domestic...
AbstractThe manufacturing sector is increasingly looking to innovation to ensure productivity growth...
The manufacturing sector is increasingly looking to innovation to ensure productivity growth, especi...
In this paper the focus is on the new challenges for firms in order to gain competitive advantage in...
Product and service concepts show a constant change thanks to innovation practices and theoretical e...
The aim of the study was to make sense of what is meant when the word Innovation is used, as reflect...
Several theories have been developed and try to communicate to managers how innovation occurs in a f...
Design is a resource that could be better utilized by companies in order to create growth and sustai...
The “territory” is widely recognized in the literature on business strategy as a critical driver of ...
Marketing for innovation is like an old wine in new bottles: not a new topic, but an issue of increa...
none1noThe paper aims at flagging some new insights the innovation literature has recently offered t...
Introduction. Innovative development is an integral and active part of all spheres of life of a soci...
The reflections that have driven the research work proposed in this volume take the moves from theor...
In the contemporary business world, the competition among firms is different from the past as this i...
Starting from a research conducted by Confindustria Veneto SIAV and commissioned by ISFOL, a governm...
In recent decades, the need to theorize and practise innovation has become apparent to many domestic...
AbstractThe manufacturing sector is increasingly looking to innovation to ensure productivity growth...
The manufacturing sector is increasingly looking to innovation to ensure productivity growth, especi...