The village government in the West Nusa Tenggara region has implemented village financial management through application of Village Financial System - Sistem Keuangan Desa (Siskeudes). The application has been repaired and updated several times. This study aims to determine the comparison of information quality of village financial system, when operated with Siskeudes V1.0.R1.06 with Siskuedes V2.0. R.0.1, based on Permendagri Number 20 Year 2018. The researcher conducted a content analysis by comparing the outputs of the two Siskeudes versions. Assessment of the quality of the process and information 2 Siskeudes version were analyzed by interpretive methods. The results showed that information quality from Siskeudes Version 2.0 R.0.1. bett...
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of financial management based on Siske...
Abstract The Law on Villages, namely Law number 6 of 2014, mandates the village appara...
Resti Amelia Agustina A.B (1430611084) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Influence Application of G...
Application of Village Financial System (SISKEUDES) is an application developed by Badan Pengawasan ...
This study aims to evaluate Siskeudes V2.0. R.0.1., from the system and its output, which is also an...
This study aims to Evaluate the Application of SISKEUDES (Village Financial System) in improving the...
This study aims to analyze the effect of the role of the Village Financial System Application (SISKE...
Village development and growth is currently experiencing rapid progress, this is indicated by the la...
The presence of the law on villages, namely Law No. 20 of 2018 strengthens the status of the village...
This study aims to assess the performance of the village government from the use of the SI...
There were irregularities and abuse of authority by village officials in the use of village funds, r...
This study aims to examine the effect of implementing village financial system applications, human r...
The government organizes the village fund within the framework of fulfilling the ideals of the Indon...
This study aims to determine the effect of SISKEUDES implementation, village apparatus training, and...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there was an influence of human resource c...
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of financial management based on Siske...
Abstract The Law on Villages, namely Law number 6 of 2014, mandates the village appara...
Resti Amelia Agustina A.B (1430611084) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Influence Application of G...
Application of Village Financial System (SISKEUDES) is an application developed by Badan Pengawasan ...
This study aims to evaluate Siskeudes V2.0. R.0.1., from the system and its output, which is also an...
This study aims to Evaluate the Application of SISKEUDES (Village Financial System) in improving the...
This study aims to analyze the effect of the role of the Village Financial System Application (SISKE...
Village development and growth is currently experiencing rapid progress, this is indicated by the la...
The presence of the law on villages, namely Law No. 20 of 2018 strengthens the status of the village...
This study aims to assess the performance of the village government from the use of the SI...
There were irregularities and abuse of authority by village officials in the use of village funds, r...
This study aims to examine the effect of implementing village financial system applications, human r...
The government organizes the village fund within the framework of fulfilling the ideals of the Indon...
This study aims to determine the effect of SISKEUDES implementation, village apparatus training, and...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there was an influence of human resource c...
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of financial management based on Siske...
Abstract The Law on Villages, namely Law number 6 of 2014, mandates the village appara...
Resti Amelia Agustina A.B (1430611084) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. Influence Application of G...