Sammendrag I 2019 trådte store deler av den nye kommuneloven i kraft. Dette innebar blant annet at det ble lovpålagt for alle norske kommuner å ha et ungdomsråd, for å sikre unges medvirkning i saker som angår dem. I denne oppgaven skal jeg se nærmere på disse ungdomsrådene og deres følelse av innflytelse. Problemstillingene jeg vil ta for meg er: «Hvordan opplever ungdomsrådene selv sin egen innflytelse? Hva er det som gjør at enkelte ungdomsråd føler at de har liten innflytelse, til tross for at forholdene virker tilrettelagt for at de skal føle det motsatte?» For å best kunne besvare disse problemstillingene vil jeg ta utgangspunkt i maktbegrepet, teori på deltakelse og Sherry Arnstein sin Ladder of Citizen Participation. Jeg har valgt å...
The aim of this study is to investigate wether the participatory democracy is a threat or a compleme...
Local governments in Norway have over the last decades implemented an increasing number of measures ...
This thesis is about the effect of political efficacy on societal participation among youths aged 15...
This study examines the citizens of Kristinehamns municipallity intrinsical influence over the polit...
10.1177/110330880701500304 Political socialization and infl uence at the mercy of politicians A stud...
The purpose of this study is to examine how adolescents can participate and have influence in the so...
The democratic area with all its power and influence is a controversial one. Studies in social scien...
Previous research has shown the fact that the groups of youths who often are asked to participate an...
The purpose of this master's thesis is to discuss how young people view their poss...
The aim of this thesis is to study how actors from the public, private and voluntary sector collabor...
IntroductionRepresentation in politics has been a major debate in political science with various gro...
In the end of the last century the interest for youth politics increased in Sweden. The causes for t...
Ved kommunevalget i 2015 deltok 20 kommuner i et forsøk med stemmerett for 16- og 17-åringer. Tema f...
Partly as a reaction to a perceived crisis in contemporary democracy, the nineties witnessed an upsu...
This study is based on three focus group interviews with minors living in Örnsköldsviks municipality...
The aim of this study is to investigate wether the participatory democracy is a threat or a compleme...
Local governments in Norway have over the last decades implemented an increasing number of measures ...
This thesis is about the effect of political efficacy on societal participation among youths aged 15...
This study examines the citizens of Kristinehamns municipallity intrinsical influence over the polit...
10.1177/110330880701500304 Political socialization and infl uence at the mercy of politicians A stud...
The purpose of this study is to examine how adolescents can participate and have influence in the so...
The democratic area with all its power and influence is a controversial one. Studies in social scien...
Previous research has shown the fact that the groups of youths who often are asked to participate an...
The purpose of this master's thesis is to discuss how young people view their poss...
The aim of this thesis is to study how actors from the public, private and voluntary sector collabor...
IntroductionRepresentation in politics has been a major debate in political science with various gro...
In the end of the last century the interest for youth politics increased in Sweden. The causes for t...
Ved kommunevalget i 2015 deltok 20 kommuner i et forsøk med stemmerett for 16- og 17-åringer. Tema f...
Partly as a reaction to a perceived crisis in contemporary democracy, the nineties witnessed an upsu...
This study is based on three focus group interviews with minors living in Örnsköldsviks municipality...
The aim of this study is to investigate wether the participatory democracy is a threat or a compleme...
Local governments in Norway have over the last decades implemented an increasing number of measures ...
This thesis is about the effect of political efficacy on societal participation among youths aged 15...