Aim of this study was to investigate piglet preweaning survival and its relationship with a total merit index (TMI) used for selection of breeding candidates in the C21 Large White boar line. Data on 13,924 crossbred piglets (1,347 litters), originated by 189 Large White boars and 328 Large White-derived crossbred sow, were analyzed under a frailty proportional hazards model, assuming a piecewise Weibull distribution and including sire and litter as random effects. Estimated hazard ratios (HR) indicated that sex, cross-fostering, year-month of birth, parity of the nurse sow, size of the litter and class of TMI were significant effects for piglet survival. Female piglets (HR = 0.80) had less risk of dying than males as well as cross-fostered...
International audienceEffects of selection for reproductive traits were estimated using data from 3 ...
Artificial selection of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) offers a useful model for investiga...
Generally pig breeding efficiency is defined as the number of piglets weaned per sow per year, so in...
Aim of this study was to investigate piglet preweaning survival and its relationship with a total me...
The aim of this study was to investigate piglet preweaning survival and its relationship with a tota...
Different approaches for predicting genetic merit of piglet preweaning survival were compared using ...
Logistic regression and survival analysis were used for investigating the relationship between pigle...
The objective of this study was to infer (co)variance components for piglet survival at birth in pur...
The objective was to infer (co) variance components for survival at farrowing in purebred (P) and cr...
Survival analysis methodology was applied in order to analyse sources of variation of preweaning sur...
Peri- and postnatal survival data, including birth weights and cross-foster information from two lin...
The objectives of this study was to determine the relationship between individual piglet birth weigh...
Records from 99,384 crossbred pigs from Duroc sires and Large White x Landrace dams were used to est...
Piglet mortality is high. In the USA nearly 20% of the piglets do not survive between late gestation...
Effects of selection for reproductive traits were estimated using data from 3 pig lines derived from...
International audienceEffects of selection for reproductive traits were estimated using data from 3 ...
Artificial selection of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) offers a useful model for investiga...
Generally pig breeding efficiency is defined as the number of piglets weaned per sow per year, so in...
Aim of this study was to investigate piglet preweaning survival and its relationship with a total me...
The aim of this study was to investigate piglet preweaning survival and its relationship with a tota...
Different approaches for predicting genetic merit of piglet preweaning survival were compared using ...
Logistic regression and survival analysis were used for investigating the relationship between pigle...
The objective of this study was to infer (co)variance components for piglet survival at birth in pur...
The objective was to infer (co) variance components for survival at farrowing in purebred (P) and cr...
Survival analysis methodology was applied in order to analyse sources of variation of preweaning sur...
Peri- and postnatal survival data, including birth weights and cross-foster information from two lin...
The objectives of this study was to determine the relationship between individual piglet birth weigh...
Records from 99,384 crossbred pigs from Duroc sires and Large White x Landrace dams were used to est...
Piglet mortality is high. In the USA nearly 20% of the piglets do not survive between late gestation...
Effects of selection for reproductive traits were estimated using data from 3 pig lines derived from...
International audienceEffects of selection for reproductive traits were estimated using data from 3 ...
Artificial selection of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) offers a useful model for investiga...
Generally pig breeding efficiency is defined as the number of piglets weaned per sow per year, so in...