Staroselske skupnosti naj bi Severno Ameriko poseljevale že okoli 27.000 let pred našim štetjem. Razvile so svojevrstne kulturne značilnosti in način življenja. S prihodom kolonizatorjev konec 15. stoletja pa je prišlo do njihovega zatiranja in uničenja. Danes živi v Kaliforniji najštevilčnejša staroselska populacija, prav tako pa je to ena izmed zveznih držav z najbolj raznovrstnimi staroselskimi skupnostmi, kar je v največji meri posledica raznolikih fizičnogeografskih dejavnikov. Raznolikost staroselskih skupnosti je predstavljena na primeru Yokutov, plemena Cahuilla in Yurokov, ki prebivajo v različnih fizičnogeografskih enotah Kalifornije. Položaj staroselskega prebivalstva v sodobni družbi se tako v ZDA kot v Kaliforniji izboljšuje, k...
Cilj ovoga rada je predstaviti čitatelju autohtone hrvatske migracijske i nemigracijske zajednice u...
In the 2000 census, Americans were allowed to choose more than one "racial" group for the first time...
Research reviews the poor conditions and formal regionalization of the territories (world bank 2009)...
<p>The populations are categorized into four different geographic clusters, i.e., Northern American,...
United States Environmental Protection Agency Map depicting California tribal land and county bounda...
Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o současném životě původních obyvatel Ameriky a jejich problémech z ...
Hlavním cílem práce je popsání a posouzení vybraných oblastí života etnické skupiny severoamerických...
Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati i objasniti odabrane odrednice socijalne slike starosjedilačkih...
There are more than one hundred federally recognized Native American tribes found within the present...
Map depicting the California Indian culture areas, lands described in unratified treaties between th...
Map shows major towns, geographical features, and areas of Native American habitation in California ...
The history of Native people in Southern California is both unique in that, until the last few decad...
<p>Geographical and cultural information from the 28 Native American populations included in this st...
Prostorni obuhvat ovoga rada jest područje Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Tu zemlju od njezina osnutk...
The history of California Indians is a different story from that of other ethnic groups who came in ...
Cilj ovoga rada je predstaviti čitatelju autohtone hrvatske migracijske i nemigracijske zajednice u...
In the 2000 census, Americans were allowed to choose more than one "racial" group for the first time...
Research reviews the poor conditions and formal regionalization of the territories (world bank 2009)...
<p>The populations are categorized into four different geographic clusters, i.e., Northern American,...
United States Environmental Protection Agency Map depicting California tribal land and county bounda...
Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o současném životě původních obyvatel Ameriky a jejich problémech z ...
Hlavním cílem práce je popsání a posouzení vybraných oblastí života etnické skupiny severoamerických...
Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati i objasniti odabrane odrednice socijalne slike starosjedilačkih...
There are more than one hundred federally recognized Native American tribes found within the present...
Map depicting the California Indian culture areas, lands described in unratified treaties between th...
Map shows major towns, geographical features, and areas of Native American habitation in California ...
The history of Native people in Southern California is both unique in that, until the last few decad...
<p>Geographical and cultural information from the 28 Native American populations included in this st...
Prostorni obuhvat ovoga rada jest područje Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Tu zemlju od njezina osnutk...
The history of California Indians is a different story from that of other ethnic groups who came in ...
Cilj ovoga rada je predstaviti čitatelju autohtone hrvatske migracijske i nemigracijske zajednice u...
In the 2000 census, Americans were allowed to choose more than one "racial" group for the first time...
Research reviews the poor conditions and formal regionalization of the territories (world bank 2009)...