Title IX is a primary federal legal approach to address campus sexual and gender-based misconduct, yet few students utilize Title IX reporting as a formal campus support, and those that do frequently report negative experiences. In this study, we interviewed 11 student survivors at four Maryland public universities who engaged with the Title IX reporting and response process. Our aims were to (a) examine how Title IX functions in a state public education system with a robust Title IX policy; (b) describe commonalities and differences in experiences; and (c) use theories of institutional betrayal and support to understand aspects of the process most helpful or harmful for survivors, especially minoritized survivors. Results reflected several...
Title IX processes that address campus sexual assault are undergoing dramatic changes in structure a...
Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) are required to address reports of sexual violence, which has...
Universities should adopt restorative justice practices to serve the legal and personal needs of stu...
Title IX is a primary federal legal approach to address campus sexual and gender-based misconduct, y...
Little is known about actual incidents of gender-based violence reported by college students or the ...
A paucity of studies has examined incidents of sexual misconduct reported to Title IX coordinators a...
Title IX Coordinators are tasked with effectuating Title IX compliance to ensure a safe campus while...
It is well-established fact that sexual assault survivors who report the violence they endured to th...
Incidents of sexual assault, and the mishandling of cases by administrators, on college campuses hav...
Title IX, a federal education policy put into place in the early 1970s, has been under the microscop...
In the past year, many universities have been accused of Title IX violations based on how they adjud...
Sexual assault is pervasive on college campuses across the country. Title IX mandates that school’s ...
As a matter of civil rights, Title IX mandates that federally funded educational institutions addres...
This quantitative study explores the differences between students, faculty, and staff about the need...
Most American educators are familiar with Title IX as the federal civil rights law prohibiting discr...
Title IX processes that address campus sexual assault are undergoing dramatic changes in structure a...
Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) are required to address reports of sexual violence, which has...
Universities should adopt restorative justice practices to serve the legal and personal needs of stu...
Title IX is a primary federal legal approach to address campus sexual and gender-based misconduct, y...
Little is known about actual incidents of gender-based violence reported by college students or the ...
A paucity of studies has examined incidents of sexual misconduct reported to Title IX coordinators a...
Title IX Coordinators are tasked with effectuating Title IX compliance to ensure a safe campus while...
It is well-established fact that sexual assault survivors who report the violence they endured to th...
Incidents of sexual assault, and the mishandling of cases by administrators, on college campuses hav...
Title IX, a federal education policy put into place in the early 1970s, has been under the microscop...
In the past year, many universities have been accused of Title IX violations based on how they adjud...
Sexual assault is pervasive on college campuses across the country. Title IX mandates that school’s ...
As a matter of civil rights, Title IX mandates that federally funded educational institutions addres...
This quantitative study explores the differences between students, faculty, and staff about the need...
Most American educators are familiar with Title IX as the federal civil rights law prohibiting discr...
Title IX processes that address campus sexual assault are undergoing dramatic changes in structure a...
Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) are required to address reports of sexual violence, which has...
Universities should adopt restorative justice practices to serve the legal and personal needs of stu...