Additional file 4: Table S3.qPCR results of gDNA after DNase treatment. (recording data values of Additional file 1: Fig. S6B)
This file contains the DNA sequence for each primer pair for each transcript quantified by qRTPCR re...
Gene list. Table S2. Pathway list and genes in the pathway. Table S3. Scale and center data used for...
ChIP enrichment analyzed by qPCR. The ChIP DNA was analyzed by qPCR in a region of constitutively ac...
Additional file 3: Table S2.Comparison of SHERRY and SHERRY2 performances on bulk RNA. (recording da...
Additional file 2: Table S1. Coverage uniformity across gene body and gene number detected by SHERRY...
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Conditions for bulk RNA. Fig. S2. Improved performance of SHERRY2 on bul...
Additional file 2: Table S1. gDNA contamination test. Table S2. Oligos of short IVT templates; prime...
List of Amplicon Primers used in Resequencing. This file provides a list of the primers used for int...
Sequencing statistics for bulk cells and single-cell RNA-seq. Mapping information (to the hg19 genom...
Table S3. Enrichment analysis of biological pathways using the genes differentially expressed betwee...
Control dataset sample identification, protocol information, and RNA sequencing stats. Experimental ...
Table S3. List of primer sequences used to PCR-quantify DNA regions isolated by chromatin immunoprec...
Table S1. The top 10 GO terms associated with each imaging feature from multiple regression analysis...
Overview of the sequencing results. In this table, paired read number, Q30, aligned read number, per...
Overview of single-cell sequencing samples and sequencing statistics. An overview of general sequenc...
This file contains the DNA sequence for each primer pair for each transcript quantified by qRTPCR re...
Gene list. Table S2. Pathway list and genes in the pathway. Table S3. Scale and center data used for...
ChIP enrichment analyzed by qPCR. The ChIP DNA was analyzed by qPCR in a region of constitutively ac...
Additional file 3: Table S2.Comparison of SHERRY and SHERRY2 performances on bulk RNA. (recording da...
Additional file 2: Table S1. Coverage uniformity across gene body and gene number detected by SHERRY...
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Conditions for bulk RNA. Fig. S2. Improved performance of SHERRY2 on bul...
Additional file 2: Table S1. gDNA contamination test. Table S2. Oligos of short IVT templates; prime...
List of Amplicon Primers used in Resequencing. This file provides a list of the primers used for int...
Sequencing statistics for bulk cells and single-cell RNA-seq. Mapping information (to the hg19 genom...
Table S3. Enrichment analysis of biological pathways using the genes differentially expressed betwee...
Control dataset sample identification, protocol information, and RNA sequencing stats. Experimental ...
Table S3. List of primer sequences used to PCR-quantify DNA regions isolated by chromatin immunoprec...
Table S1. The top 10 GO terms associated with each imaging feature from multiple regression analysis...
Overview of the sequencing results. In this table, paired read number, Q30, aligned read number, per...
Overview of single-cell sequencing samples and sequencing statistics. An overview of general sequenc...
This file contains the DNA sequence for each primer pair for each transcript quantified by qRTPCR re...
Gene list. Table S2. Pathway list and genes in the pathway. Table S3. Scale and center data used for...
ChIP enrichment analyzed by qPCR. The ChIP DNA was analyzed by qPCR in a region of constitutively ac...