We consider generalized Vandermonde determinants of the form V-s;mu(x(1),...x(s)) = /x(i)(muk)/, 1 less than or equal to i, k less than or equal to s, where the x(i) are distinct points belonging to an interval [a, b] of the real line, the index s stands for the order, the sequence mu consists of ordered integers 0 less than or equal to mu (1) < mu (2) < ... < mu (s). These determinants can be factored as a product of the classical Vandermonde determinant and a homogeneous symmetric function of the points involved, that is, a Schur function. On the other hand, we show that when x = x(s), in the resulting polynomial, depending on the variable x, the Schur function can be factored as a two-factors polynomial: the first is the constant Pi ...