Torianyk H. M. Cloud technoligies in learning a foreign language by future law enforcement offcers in the context of distanse education / H. M. Torianyk, Yu. I. Samoilova // Підготовка правоохоронців в системі МВС України в умовах воєнного стану : зб. наук. пр. (м. Харків, 26 трав. 2022 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, Каф. тактич. та спец. фізич. підготовки ф-ту № 3, Наук. парк «Наука та безпека». – Харків : ХНУВС, 2022. – С. 282-283.Висвітлено питання використання хмарних технологій у вивченні іноземної мови майбутніми правоохоронцями в умовах дистанційної освіти.The issue of the use of cloud technologies in the study of a foreign language by future law enforcement officers in the conditions of distance education is high...
The article deals with the search for ways to improve the training of simultaneous interpreters in a...
Ми живемо в той час, коли освіта вже не є суто описовою наукою, рекомендації якої базуються в основн...
English language teaching has gone through a radical shift of emphasis in the last forty years, beg...
The article is devoted to the topical issue of the cloud technologies implementation in educational ...
In the article, the authors consider interdisciplinary links as an important factor in training stud...
This study presents the framework for mastering foreign language grammar within a University curricu...
Already today, the spread of the IoT network is gaining momentum. The obvious benefits of connecting...
Augmented reality has a great impact on the student in the presentation of educational material: obj...
The article considers cross-platform products that should be used to develop augmented reality techn...
The attempt has been made to interpret the problem of the long-term physiological deprivati...
This paper describes experimental study of cognitive performance degradation in high school students...
The article discusses ICT development issues in teaching mathematics to engineering students in the ...
Proper design is the basis for the success of any application development, regardless of industry an...
The article is devoted to the problem of high school students' socialization in the process of knowl...
The article is devoted to the coverage of the course “Database management system Microsoft Access”, ...
The article deals with the search for ways to improve the training of simultaneous interpreters in a...
Ми живемо в той час, коли освіта вже не є суто описовою наукою, рекомендації якої базуються в основн...
English language teaching has gone through a radical shift of emphasis in the last forty years, beg...
The article is devoted to the topical issue of the cloud technologies implementation in educational ...
In the article, the authors consider interdisciplinary links as an important factor in training stud...
This study presents the framework for mastering foreign language grammar within a University curricu...
Already today, the spread of the IoT network is gaining momentum. The obvious benefits of connecting...
Augmented reality has a great impact on the student in the presentation of educational material: obj...
The article considers cross-platform products that should be used to develop augmented reality techn...
The attempt has been made to interpret the problem of the long-term physiological deprivati...
This paper describes experimental study of cognitive performance degradation in high school students...
The article discusses ICT development issues in teaching mathematics to engineering students in the ...
Proper design is the basis for the success of any application development, regardless of industry an...
The article is devoted to the problem of high school students' socialization in the process of knowl...
The article is devoted to the coverage of the course “Database management system Microsoft Access”, ...
The article deals with the search for ways to improve the training of simultaneous interpreters in a...
Ми живемо в той час, коли освіта вже не є суто описовою наукою, рекомендації якої базуються в основн...
English language teaching has gone through a radical shift of emphasis in the last forty years, beg...