R1 16S rRNA amplicon time-series taxonomy table for each ASV exported from phyloseq object. Goes with the OTU table</p
Supplemental Table 5: 16S rRNA gene amplicon data as relative abundance binned at the class level. ...
<p>List of OTUs and their taxonomic classification found in at least 40 out of 45 samples tested by ...
This is the classification table. Taxonomy is assigned for each OTU to the genus level whenever poss...
Abigail 16S rRNA amplicon time-series taxonomy table for each ASV exported from phyloseq object. Pai...
R1 16S rRNA amplicon time-series OTU count table exported from phyloseqe object. Goes with the taxon...
Abigail 16S rRNA amplicon time-series OTU table exported from phyloseq object. Pairs with taxonomy t...
Contains taxonomic information and 16S rRNA sequence similarity % for every Otu in Otu_table
This is an excel sheet containing the OTU table of 16S rRNA amplicon pyrosequencing
Unrarefied OTU table including dilutions series samples and controls. Taxonomy was assigned using th...
Supplemental Table 4: 16S rRNA gene amplicon data as OTU table with sequences.</p
These are the OTU tables for the "phytoplankton", "non-phytoplankton", "eukaryotes with metazoa", an...
Count table for ASVs generated from DADA2 from raw MiSeq reads. Rows are individual samples and colu...
This biom file contains the unrarefied otu table and taxonomy table of 16S reads. The matching sampl...
Contains taxonomic information and 16S rRNA sequence similarity % for every phylum in Phyla_table
Phyloseq files for 18S and 16S primers which can easily allow you to access and explore the ASV tabl...
Supplemental Table 5: 16S rRNA gene amplicon data as relative abundance binned at the class level. ...
<p>List of OTUs and their taxonomic classification found in at least 40 out of 45 samples tested by ...
This is the classification table. Taxonomy is assigned for each OTU to the genus level whenever poss...
Abigail 16S rRNA amplicon time-series taxonomy table for each ASV exported from phyloseq object. Pai...
R1 16S rRNA amplicon time-series OTU count table exported from phyloseqe object. Goes with the taxon...
Abigail 16S rRNA amplicon time-series OTU table exported from phyloseq object. Pairs with taxonomy t...
Contains taxonomic information and 16S rRNA sequence similarity % for every Otu in Otu_table
This is an excel sheet containing the OTU table of 16S rRNA amplicon pyrosequencing
Unrarefied OTU table including dilutions series samples and controls. Taxonomy was assigned using th...
Supplemental Table 4: 16S rRNA gene amplicon data as OTU table with sequences.</p
These are the OTU tables for the "phytoplankton", "non-phytoplankton", "eukaryotes with metazoa", an...
Count table for ASVs generated from DADA2 from raw MiSeq reads. Rows are individual samples and colu...
This biom file contains the unrarefied otu table and taxonomy table of 16S reads. The matching sampl...
Contains taxonomic information and 16S rRNA sequence similarity % for every phylum in Phyla_table
Phyloseq files for 18S and 16S primers which can easily allow you to access and explore the ASV tabl...
Supplemental Table 5: 16S rRNA gene amplicon data as relative abundance binned at the class level. ...
<p>List of OTUs and their taxonomic classification found in at least 40 out of 45 samples tested by ...
This is the classification table. Taxonomy is assigned for each OTU to the genus level whenever poss...