An analysis was made to update the regional red list of endangered vascular plants in Sicily which, with 3,252 taxa (including a noteworthy number of endemic species), is one of the richest areas in the Mediterranean region. Considering previous regional and national red lists, recent taxonomic and floristic literature, and unpublished data, 1,057 taxa were assessed, i.e. about 32% of the regional vascular flora. Using the latest IUCN categories and criteria, 403 taxa (that is the 12.4% of Sicilian flora) are under threat (categories \u201cCR\u201d, \u201cEN\u201d, \u201cVU\u201d), and 220 more taxa (= 6.8%) are \u201cNear Threatened\u201d. Two species result extinct, one extinct in the wild, and 24 regionally extinct