Bakalaura darbā tiek pētīts brīvās netiešās runas izmantojums un funkcionalitāte Džeinas Ostinas romānā "Emma". Darba mērķis ir brīvas netiešās runas kā vēstījuma tehnikas izpēte un Džeinas Ostinas ieguldījuma kritiska analīze. Darba teorētiskajā daļā veikts netiešās runas pētījums un noteikta Džeinas Ostinas ietekme. Darba empīriskajā daļā tiek pētītas brīvās netiešās runas funkcijas romānā "Emma", balstoties uz konkrētiem piemēriem. Analīzes rezultāti apstiprina Džeinas Ostinas ieguldījuma nozīmi brīvās netiešās runas attīstībā. Darbā izdarītie secinājumi norāda, ka Džeinas Ostinas meistarīgais netiešās runas izmantojums apliecina viņas novatorisko stilu un izcilo literāro talantu.The paper examines the usage and functions of free indirec...
In this chapter I suggest that Jane Austen’s use of free indirect style has a far-reaching legacy in...
Dans son dernier roman achevé intitulé Persuasion, Jane Austen se sert fréquemment du style indirect...
U radu se analizira uporaba specifične kategorije prikaza misli u romanu toka svijesti „To the Light...
Bakalaura darbā tiek pētīts brīvās netiešās runas izmantojums un funkcionalitāte Džeinas Ostinas rom...
This thesis will examine the precise ways in which British novelist Jane Austen uses free indirect d...
Austen is known for her development of free indirect style as a narrative form. Free indirect style ...
The aim of this paper is to describe the syntactic and stylistic characteristics of free indirect sp...
This study assesses the relationship between the diffusion of free indirect discourse and the declin...
This essay examines anticipation and real outcome structured as two oppositions in Jane Austen’s Pri...
Este trabalho de pesquisa propõe um percurso pela sistematização do discurso indireto livre: uma obs...
Este trabalho procura ilustrar como Jane Austen segue uma apresentação sistemática de suas personage...
While the discussion of Free Indirect Discourse is limited almost entirely to the twentieth, century...
Although she is often touted as the author of “boring chick lit,” Jane Austen remains a literary gia...
© 2019, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved. The authors of the article focus th...
Jane Austen’s Emma is famous for being among the earliest and most sophisticated expositions of free...
In this chapter I suggest that Jane Austen’s use of free indirect style has a far-reaching legacy in...
Dans son dernier roman achevé intitulé Persuasion, Jane Austen se sert fréquemment du style indirect...
U radu se analizira uporaba specifične kategorije prikaza misli u romanu toka svijesti „To the Light...
Bakalaura darbā tiek pētīts brīvās netiešās runas izmantojums un funkcionalitāte Džeinas Ostinas rom...
This thesis will examine the precise ways in which British novelist Jane Austen uses free indirect d...
Austen is known for her development of free indirect style as a narrative form. Free indirect style ...
The aim of this paper is to describe the syntactic and stylistic characteristics of free indirect sp...
This study assesses the relationship between the diffusion of free indirect discourse and the declin...
This essay examines anticipation and real outcome structured as two oppositions in Jane Austen’s Pri...
Este trabalho de pesquisa propõe um percurso pela sistematização do discurso indireto livre: uma obs...
Este trabalho procura ilustrar como Jane Austen segue uma apresentação sistemática de suas personage...
While the discussion of Free Indirect Discourse is limited almost entirely to the twentieth, century...
Although she is often touted as the author of “boring chick lit,” Jane Austen remains a literary gia...
© 2019, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved. The authors of the article focus th...
Jane Austen’s Emma is famous for being among the earliest and most sophisticated expositions of free...
In this chapter I suggest that Jane Austen’s use of free indirect style has a far-reaching legacy in...
Dans son dernier roman achevé intitulé Persuasion, Jane Austen se sert fréquemment du style indirect...
U radu se analizira uporaba specifične kategorije prikaza misli u romanu toka svijesti „To the Light...