Šī bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt kā vecāku sniegtais atbalsts un emocionālā iesaiste ir saistīti ar bērnu sporta sasniegumiem un galvenais pētījuma jautājums ir tas kā vecāku atbalsts un emocionālā iesaiste ir saistīti ar bērnu sportistu sasniegumiem un to motivāciju. Pētījumā piedalījās bērnu sportistu vecāki (n=58), kuru atvases bija vecumā no 12-18 gadiem, kā arī ikdienā nodarbojās ar kādu sporta veidu sacensību līmenī.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study how parental support and emotional involvement are related to children’s sports achievements. The main research question is how parental support and emotional involvement are related to achievements and motivation of children’s athletes. In study participated child...
There is growing interest in investigating parents in youth sports. Studies are at the beginning sta...
Over the last decades intense debates have taken place, in the mass media, regarding the child-paren...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vloga staršev pri gibalnih/športnih aktivnostih otrok je sestavljeno iz te...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt vecāku lomu bērna sporta karjeras veidošanā, noskaidrot vecāku mot...
Recent decades have seen a growing concern for the prospects of today’s youth. Major problems of you...
The research into the educational effect of sport for youths aims at finding the ways for the coache...
Temeljni cilj ovog rada je sistematizirati istraživanja o roditeljskoj podršci i vrijednostima mladi...
Dandanes se vse več otrok vključuje v šport, s katerim se začnejo pogosto tudi tekmovalno ukvarjati....
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi roditeljsku dimenziju uključenosti u odbojkaške aktivnosti djeteta (odbojk...
Cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali in kakšen vpliv imajo starši na vključevanje otrok v dod...
Potiču li danas roditelji, kao i prije deset godina, djecu da se bave sportom? Smatra li se sport i ...
Tėvai, dalyvaudami vaikų sportinėje veikloje, atlieka svarbų vaidmenį, kuris lemia vaikų norą, motyv...
<p>The aims of present study was to (A) compare and prioritizing the main six motivations of sport p...
Sport plays an important role in the lives of many children. Sport is important not only for the ath...
The purpose of this study is to theoretically ground the educational interaction between parents and...
There is growing interest in investigating parents in youth sports. Studies are at the beginning sta...
Over the last decades intense debates have taken place, in the mass media, regarding the child-paren...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vloga staršev pri gibalnih/športnih aktivnostih otrok je sestavljeno iz te...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt vecāku lomu bērna sporta karjeras veidošanā, noskaidrot vecāku mot...
Recent decades have seen a growing concern for the prospects of today’s youth. Major problems of you...
The research into the educational effect of sport for youths aims at finding the ways for the coache...
Temeljni cilj ovog rada je sistematizirati istraživanja o roditeljskoj podršci i vrijednostima mladi...
Dandanes se vse več otrok vključuje v šport, s katerim se začnejo pogosto tudi tekmovalno ukvarjati....
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi roditeljsku dimenziju uključenosti u odbojkaške aktivnosti djeteta (odbojk...
Cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali in kakšen vpliv imajo starši na vključevanje otrok v dod...
Potiču li danas roditelji, kao i prije deset godina, djecu da se bave sportom? Smatra li se sport i ...
Tėvai, dalyvaudami vaikų sportinėje veikloje, atlieka svarbų vaidmenį, kuris lemia vaikų norą, motyv...
<p>The aims of present study was to (A) compare and prioritizing the main six motivations of sport p...
Sport plays an important role in the lives of many children. Sport is important not only for the ath...
The purpose of this study is to theoretically ground the educational interaction between parents and...
There is growing interest in investigating parents in youth sports. Studies are at the beginning sta...
Over the last decades intense debates have taken place, in the mass media, regarding the child-paren...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vloga staršev pri gibalnih/športnih aktivnostih otrok je sestavljeno iz te...