U ovom se radu istražuje utjecaj regionalnih trgovinskih sporazuma (RTS) na razvoj intra-industrijske trgovine (IIT) za slučaj osam zemlja Srednje i istočne Europe (SIE) od 1997. do 2019. godine. Cilj rada je usporediti i objasniti mogući heterogeni utjecaj različitih RTS na IIT, kontrolirajući za razliku u ekonomskoj razvijenosti između zemalja partnera. Analiza se temelji na razini podataka zemlja-proizvod, a izvor podataka su UN Comtrade i CEPII baza podataka koja sadrži varijable gravitacijskog modela. Hipoteza rada je da CEFTA i EU ekonomske integracije imaju snažniji (pozitivni) učinak na IIT u usporedbi s ostalim RTS, ali snaga utjecaja varira između zemalja, s obzirom na razvojne nejednakosti zemalja, koje su u ovom radu mj...
Two separate processes have recently influenced the trade relationship between European Union and co...
The process of international economic integration has been continuously reinforced over the past dec...
This article tests a Heckscher-Ohlin framework versus a neo-Ricardian framework for explaining verti...
U ovom se radu istražuje utjecaj regionalnih trgovinskih sporazuma (RTS) na razvoj intra-industrijs...
Cilj ovog rada je istražiti razvoj intenzivnih i ekstenzivnih trgovinskih marži na razini proizvod-d...
The article aims to show changes in the level and intensity of intra-industry trade between the Cent...
Most trade between the European Union (EU) and the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) is ...
The article identifies the structural changes in external trade of CEE countries in terms of goods a...
Abstract: We analyze the development of the Austrian, Dutch, German, Italian and Swedish trade struc...
Trade structure is usually defined as inter or intra-industrial type. The pattern of production and ...
In this paper we characterise the dynamics of trade among Central and Eastern European Countries (CE...
Nakon raspada socijalističkog sustava, sve su zemlje bile suočene s tranzicijskim procesom prema trž...
Trade liberalisation brings long-term benefits. Nonetheless, in order to be able to realise those be...
This paper provides a detailed empirical study of trade creation and trade diversion effects arising...
This paper analyses the production structure or intra-industry trade specialization (IIT) of the Cze...
Two separate processes have recently influenced the trade relationship between European Union and co...
The process of international economic integration has been continuously reinforced over the past dec...
This article tests a Heckscher-Ohlin framework versus a neo-Ricardian framework for explaining verti...
U ovom se radu istražuje utjecaj regionalnih trgovinskih sporazuma (RTS) na razvoj intra-industrijs...
Cilj ovog rada je istražiti razvoj intenzivnih i ekstenzivnih trgovinskih marži na razini proizvod-d...
The article aims to show changes in the level and intensity of intra-industry trade between the Cent...
Most trade between the European Union (EU) and the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) is ...
The article identifies the structural changes in external trade of CEE countries in terms of goods a...
Abstract: We analyze the development of the Austrian, Dutch, German, Italian and Swedish trade struc...
Trade structure is usually defined as inter or intra-industrial type. The pattern of production and ...
In this paper we characterise the dynamics of trade among Central and Eastern European Countries (CE...
Nakon raspada socijalističkog sustava, sve su zemlje bile suočene s tranzicijskim procesom prema trž...
Trade liberalisation brings long-term benefits. Nonetheless, in order to be able to realise those be...
This paper provides a detailed empirical study of trade creation and trade diversion effects arising...
This paper analyses the production structure or intra-industry trade specialization (IIT) of the Cze...
Two separate processes have recently influenced the trade relationship between European Union and co...
The process of international economic integration has been continuously reinforced over the past dec...
This article tests a Heckscher-Ohlin framework versus a neo-Ricardian framework for explaining verti...