Treatment of U937 cells with a sublethal albeit DNA-damaging concentration of tert-butylhydroperoxide (tB-OOH) enhanced mitochondrial Ca++ uptake and ruthenium red (RR), a polycation that inhibits the calcium uniporter of mitochondria, significantly reduced the extent of DNA cleavage generated by the hydroperoxide. Release of Ca++ From the ryanodine(Ry)/caffeine(Cf)-sensitive stores further increased mitochondrial Ca++ uptake and elicited a parallel enhancement in DNA strand scission induced by tB-OOH that was prevented by both Ry and RR. DNA damage caused by tB-OOH alone or associated with either Cf or RR was prevented by iron chelators, insensitive to antioxidants and repaired with kinetics superimposable with those observed after treatme...