Ukuran yang bermanfaat untuk kesenjangan antara keinginan reproduksi wanita dan ketentuan pelayanan kesehatan adalah estimasi kebutuhan kontrasepsi yang belum terpenuhi atau disebut dengan unmet need for family planning. Indikator ini mengacu pada wanita yang ingin menunda atau membatasi kelahiran tetapi tidak menggunakan metode kontrasepsi untuk mencapainya. Unmet need KB secara nasional ditarget sebesar lima persen pada 2015. Di Indonesia masih terdapat 11% unmet need, Provinsi DIY sebanyak 13,69%, sedangkan unmet need di Kabupaten Bantul selalu mengalami peningkatan sejak tahun 2015, terakhir tahun 2019 sebesar 10,55%. Alasan unmet need wanita salah satunya karena sumber daya manusia yang masih rendah d...
The high number of unmet needs for Family Planning (FP) in Indonesia has an effect on birth spacing ...
Unmet need or the unful lled need for contraception is often associated with two things, namely supp...
In Central Kalimantan Province, especially in Palangka Raya, there are still sexually active couples...
Ukuran yang bermanfaat untuk kesenjangan antara keinginan reproduksi wanita dan ketentuan pelayanan ...
Unmet need for family planning was a phenomenon that was still going on, especially in developing co...
Latar Belakang: Penurunan angka unmet need KB merupakan salah satu sasaran strategis pemerintah dala...
Background: Population growth, become one of priority problems, should be solved in almost all of ev...
Background: Population growth has become one of priority problems should be solved in almost all of ...
Buku ini membahas mengenai keluarga berencana serta pandangan islam mengenai KB.xii, 268 hlm.: ilus....
One of the things that are of great concern in future development is the population problem, the mai...
Unmet need for family planning is the need for family planning to reproductive age couples but such ...
One of the achievements of family planning programs can be seen from the percentage of unmet need. T...
There was a new paradigm of the National Family Planning Program from the population control and fer...
Adanyaledakanpenduduk dan kehamilan yang tidakdiinginkan yang berujung pada aborsi yang tidakamanaki...
Unmet Need is a condition in which it indicates the willingness of fertile couples to one of kinds o...
The high number of unmet needs for Family Planning (FP) in Indonesia has an effect on birth spacing ...
Unmet need or the unful lled need for contraception is often associated with two things, namely supp...
In Central Kalimantan Province, especially in Palangka Raya, there are still sexually active couples...
Ukuran yang bermanfaat untuk kesenjangan antara keinginan reproduksi wanita dan ketentuan pelayanan ...
Unmet need for family planning was a phenomenon that was still going on, especially in developing co...
Latar Belakang: Penurunan angka unmet need KB merupakan salah satu sasaran strategis pemerintah dala...
Background: Population growth, become one of priority problems, should be solved in almost all of ev...
Background: Population growth has become one of priority problems should be solved in almost all of ...
Buku ini membahas mengenai keluarga berencana serta pandangan islam mengenai KB.xii, 268 hlm.: ilus....
One of the things that are of great concern in future development is the population problem, the mai...
Unmet need for family planning is the need for family planning to reproductive age couples but such ...
One of the achievements of family planning programs can be seen from the percentage of unmet need. T...
There was a new paradigm of the National Family Planning Program from the population control and fer...
Adanyaledakanpenduduk dan kehamilan yang tidakdiinginkan yang berujung pada aborsi yang tidakamanaki...
Unmet Need is a condition in which it indicates the willingness of fertile couples to one of kinds o...
The high number of unmet needs for Family Planning (FP) in Indonesia has an effect on birth spacing ...
Unmet need or the unful lled need for contraception is often associated with two things, namely supp...
In Central Kalimantan Province, especially in Palangka Raya, there are still sexually active couples...