Hibridne sorte so zaradi visokih pridelkov in visoke stopnje uniformnosti zelo zaželene v pridelavi. Pri pridobivanju hibridnega semena si želimo, da do oprašitve pride med dvema točno določenima homozigotnima linijama in da pri ženski rastlini ne pride do samooploditve. Ena od možnih metod preprečevanja le tega je moška sterilnost, pri kateri je onemogočena funkcija produkcije fertilnega peloda. Pri pridobivanju hibridnega semena se uporabljata genska (jedrna) in citoplazemska moška sterilnost. Gensko moško sterilnost povzročajo geni, ki so kodirani v jedrnem genomu, citoplazemsko moško sterilnost pa geni, ki se nahajajo na mitohondrijih, v povezavi z jedrnimi geni. Da se izognejo vedno bolj omejeni genski raznovrstnosti, morajo žlahtnitel...
The hypothesis of the shortening the cycle of selection was tested in maize, by using the MHI line (...
           Availability of cost effective mechanism/ method to pro...
Žlahtnjenje hibridnih sort zelja je zapleten in dolgotrajen postopek. Pri križnicah se za pridobivan...
Sorghum is the fifth major cereal crop in the world after wheat, rice, maize and barley. Discovery o...
The introduction of sterile forms of parental inbreds in the production of hybrids maize seed has le...
The principal aim of breeding and seed production in Serbia is to provide sufficient amounts of all ...
U ovom radu nastojali smo se kratko osvrnuti na neke najznačajnije probleme u proizvodnji sjemenskog...
The paper describes corn selection methods used in the U.S.A. The word "heterosis" was first introdu...
The aim of the study was to determine the changes in grain yields in relation to the sterile to fert...
Male sterility is a phenomenon where the male reproductive parts of the plants do not develop norma...
It is given a scheme of the conversion of the mother and father of a maize hybrid with three checkin...
In an attempt to search a total of MRI Gene bank, with about 5000 accessions, for the potential pres...
Citoplazmatična muška sterilnost (CMS) odavno se koristi u proizvodnji hibridnog semena kukuruza, je...
The method of artificial mating of Lepidoptera permits crossings to be made between species which do...
The analyses were performed with the hybrid seeds of four hybrid combinations derived at the Maize R...
The hypothesis of the shortening the cycle of selection was tested in maize, by using the MHI line (...
           Availability of cost effective mechanism/ method to pro...
Žlahtnjenje hibridnih sort zelja je zapleten in dolgotrajen postopek. Pri križnicah se za pridobivan...
Sorghum is the fifth major cereal crop in the world after wheat, rice, maize and barley. Discovery o...
The introduction of sterile forms of parental inbreds in the production of hybrids maize seed has le...
The principal aim of breeding and seed production in Serbia is to provide sufficient amounts of all ...
U ovom radu nastojali smo se kratko osvrnuti na neke najznačajnije probleme u proizvodnji sjemenskog...
The paper describes corn selection methods used in the U.S.A. The word "heterosis" was first introdu...
The aim of the study was to determine the changes in grain yields in relation to the sterile to fert...
Male sterility is a phenomenon where the male reproductive parts of the plants do not develop norma...
It is given a scheme of the conversion of the mother and father of a maize hybrid with three checkin...
In an attempt to search a total of MRI Gene bank, with about 5000 accessions, for the potential pres...
Citoplazmatična muška sterilnost (CMS) odavno se koristi u proizvodnji hibridnog semena kukuruza, je...
The method of artificial mating of Lepidoptera permits crossings to be made between species which do...
The analyses were performed with the hybrid seeds of four hybrid combinations derived at the Maize R...
The hypothesis of the shortening the cycle of selection was tested in maize, by using the MHI line (...
           Availability of cost effective mechanism/ method to pro...
Žlahtnjenje hibridnih sort zelja je zapleten in dolgotrajen postopek. Pri križnicah se za pridobivan...