У раду су представљени резултати биоархеолошке анализе инхумираних и спаљених људских скелетних остатака са бронзанодопоског локалитета Дубац у Јанчићима на Каблару. Истражен је материјал из 15 гробова пореклом из четири хумке. Испитани су пол и старост индивидуа, основне одлике зуба, епигенетске варијације, мишићно-скелетни маркери, палеопатолошке промене, а забележени су и метрички подаци.During archeological excavations on locality Dubac in Jancici on Kablar Mountain, which were carried out in 1984, 1985 and 2012, 15 graves in the form of Bronze Age burial mounds were discovered. According to movable grave findings and burial ritual, it is determined that graves belong to so called west Serbian variant of Vatina culture. The graves...
Aryaev N. L., Marichereda V. G., Shevchenko I. M., Moskalenko T. Ya., El Mezevgi H. M., Shevchenko N...
Ivan Grozev and the “New Cultural Race” in the Aesthetic Religious Project of Bulgarian Modernism T...
Йтиметься про усвідомлення спільних тенденцій юнгіанського поняття «архетипу» та «праобразу» в конте...
Universities in Russia are experiencing a dynamic transformation of scientific and educational proce...
The folk traditions and family ties among the Van Kyrgyz, who settled from the Pamir region of Afgha...
The article presents anestimate of the number and distribution of hospitalization in the cardiology ...
An extremely rare case of sinus histiocytosis of the non-Langerhans cell histiocytoses type is descr...
In the current epidemic season, the circulation of influenza viruses continues, in particular A – A ...
The paper is devoted to the pilot implementation of CPD programs for universities academic staff adv...
Bailov, A. V. Mass Media as Crime Determinants / Anton V. Bailov, Pavlo V. Sakhuta // Журнал східн...
Despite the high level of modern technologies in the field of laboratory methods and imaging of the ...
Comprehensive studies of homeostasis of hydrogen sulfide (Н2S) may open new mechanisms of complicati...
У раду је представљен концепт лепоте у насловљеним Андрићевим приповет- кама у три међусобно повеза...
In multidisciplinary hospitals, there are conditions conducive to the emergence of healthcare-associ...
The purpose of this article is to comprehend the functional features of epigraphs as indicators of h...
Aryaev N. L., Marichereda V. G., Shevchenko I. M., Moskalenko T. Ya., El Mezevgi H. M., Shevchenko N...
Ivan Grozev and the “New Cultural Race” in the Aesthetic Religious Project of Bulgarian Modernism T...
Йтиметься про усвідомлення спільних тенденцій юнгіанського поняття «архетипу» та «праобразу» в конте...
Universities in Russia are experiencing a dynamic transformation of scientific and educational proce...
The folk traditions and family ties among the Van Kyrgyz, who settled from the Pamir region of Afgha...
The article presents anestimate of the number and distribution of hospitalization in the cardiology ...
An extremely rare case of sinus histiocytosis of the non-Langerhans cell histiocytoses type is descr...
In the current epidemic season, the circulation of influenza viruses continues, in particular A – A ...
The paper is devoted to the pilot implementation of CPD programs for universities academic staff adv...
Bailov, A. V. Mass Media as Crime Determinants / Anton V. Bailov, Pavlo V. Sakhuta // Журнал східн...
Despite the high level of modern technologies in the field of laboratory methods and imaging of the ...
Comprehensive studies of homeostasis of hydrogen sulfide (Н2S) may open new mechanisms of complicati...
У раду је представљен концепт лепоте у насловљеним Андрићевим приповет- кама у три међусобно повеза...
In multidisciplinary hospitals, there are conditions conducive to the emergence of healthcare-associ...
The purpose of this article is to comprehend the functional features of epigraphs as indicators of h...
Aryaev N. L., Marichereda V. G., Shevchenko I. M., Moskalenko T. Ya., El Mezevgi H. M., Shevchenko N...
Ivan Grozev and the “New Cultural Race” in the Aesthetic Religious Project of Bulgarian Modernism T...
Йтиметься про усвідомлення спільних тенденцій юнгіанського поняття «архетипу» та «праобразу» в конте...